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Game Guides

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Content Warning How To Heal

Just a quick little guide to healing both team mates and yourself in the popular co-op game, Content Warning

Content Warning is a viral indie sensation right now with hordes of players striving to achieve their own virality on SpookTube in-game. However, getting injured or even killed in the pursuit of monster footage, can put a damper on those plans. So how does one heal in Content Warning?


Content Warning: How To Heal Players?

The only method to heal players currently is the Hugger Medical item. It can be purchased for a $100 in-game, making it a day 2 item at best. In order to use it, simply step up to the injured team mate and hold the left mouse button down until health is fully restored. Done! The Hugger’s power does not run out, so don’t hesitate to make use of it often.


Content Warning List Of All Items


Content Warning: How To Heal Self?

The player with the Hugger is unable to heal themselves. The only solution is to drop the item, letting another team mate use it to hug them instead.

Be sure to pick it back up if the wearer gets killed, as it can be lost to the Old World permanently when your team makes its exit.


Content Warning List Of All Enemies


That’s everything to know about healing in Content Warning.

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