Last Epoch has you make a few decisions which cannot be taken back, among them a choice between returning Ezra’s Ledger to him, or giving it to the eavesdropping Artem instead. This Last Epoch guide will help you make an informed choice on whether to give the ledger to Ezra or Artem.
Last Epoch Return Ezra’s Ledger To Ezra

What the choice really boils down to is which of the rewarded items you would rather have in your possession. Ezra will give you:
Avarice Unique Leather Gloves
- 10 Armor
- 5-10 Mana
- 3% Elemental Damage Leeched as Health
- 30%-39% Increased Leech Rate
- 13% Elemental Resistance
Last Epoch Give Ezra’s Ledger To Artem

Giving Ezra’s ledger to Artem instead, aside from an act of betrayal, will net you a seemingly better reward:
Gambler’s Fallacy Unique Ruby Amulet
- 5-25 Health
- 100% Critical strike chance if you have not dealt a critical strike recently
- 50% less Critical strike chance if you have dealt a critical strike recently
- 10-15 Health Gain on Crit
Having seen the stats on both items, the Avarice gloves are clearly the better choice for the long haul. Though it is possible that a very specific build could take advantage of Gambler’s Fallacy.
There is no way to get both Avarice and Gambler’s Fallacy, since the questline for the other branch simply ends when the ledger is handed over. As it stands, the choice isn’t really game-breaking, and there will likely be plenty of better gear to come, given the genre’s core mechanics of loot.
That’s everything you need to know about making the choice between giving Ezra’s ledger to either Ezra himself, or to Artem.