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Blizzard Responds to Overwatch Backlash by Announcing the Game Is Now Actually Overwatch 3

IRVINE, Calif. — Video game company Blizzard has responded to backlash over Overwatch 2 by confirming that the game is actually now Overwatch 3.

“We know people are upset with several decisions made over Overwatch 2. Well we have extremely exciting news for you all. We here at Blizzard are very proud to announce the release of Overwatch 3,” said director Aaron Keller. “That’s right, it’s finally time for the thrilling third game in this massive and beloved series. And it gets better: you don’t even need to install or buy anything. Overwatch 2 will shut down at midnight tonight, and by tomorrow, will be Overwatch 3. Wow!”

Keller went on to explain all the new features of the upcoming Overwatch title.

“Longtime Overwatch fans will definitely feel at home in Overwatch 3, but this is a major overhaul of the game. Every single character in the game is getting a new skin, we’re increasing the saturation so that the colors pop a little more, and that’s it. Those are all the changes,” Keller said. “Except one huge change: all team matches in Overwatch 3 will be 6v6 squads. We’re really excited to see how this changes the gameplay and we’re sure our playerpase will find all sorts of interesting ways to innovate on the 5v5 formula from Overwatch 2.”

Fans have been split on the news.

“This is the same game, they’re just going into Photoshop and replacing the 2 with a 3,” said Twitter user WidowMater97. “Honestly at this point, I don’t know why I even play this game for 8 hours every single day.”

So sick of seeing everyone be a hater online. Maybe give Blizzard a chance before shitting all over it?” said Redditor u/SEND_ME_CROODS. “Sure, it looks pretty similar, but we won’t actually know that until we get our hands on it. Personally, I’m excited to see how the game looks with slightly higher saturation!”

At press time, following massive waves of downvotes on the company’s Reddit announcement, developers at Blizzard were reportedly hard at work on Overwatch 4.

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