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Mom Appreciates Phone Call Even If It’s Just to Save Your Progress

FERNDALE, Mich. — Stating that she worries about you all of the time and wishes you well on your travels, your mother confirmed that she is always really excited to receive a phone call from you, even when it’s only to quickly save your progress in an adventure.

“As a mom it’s my job to worry about my kids. It’s always nice to get a call every once in a while to hear how things are going,” said your mother, who initially had reservations about not being too nosy in her child’s adventure to save the doomed fate of the entire planet. “Sometimes we spend a little extra time at the end of the phone call managing inventory, and that’s my favorite kind of quality time. I love talking about all of the boxes of knick knacks that are still boxed up in the garage, and if there’s ever an important potion or key that I need to go dig up, that’s a whole exciting afternoon right there!”

Though she understands the needs of her adventurer child, your mother still gets upset over a lack of consistent communication.

“Of course, I’m still a bit upset that I almost didn’t get a call for Mother’s Day,” she continued. “Sure, I get that there was a massive orc boss rampaging in the nearby village, but I waited by the phone all day for nothing! And yes, it was a huge relief to finally hear my child’s voice after they’d killed the orc, but deep down, I knew they just needed to save their game. I guess it’s just a bittersweet thing to be a parent.”

At press time, your mom returned to her phone, which was continuing to ring off the hook with phone calls from other people wanting to save their progress.

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