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Top 10 Rejected Mario Power-Ups

1 — Plunger

Originally, Mario was only able to make use of Warp Pipes after unclogging them. Like the game’s bushes, the sprite for the human waste in the game was actually just a palette-swapped cloud. Efficiency!

2 — Okay Mushroom

It was supposed to make you bigger than Small Mario, but not quite as big as Super Mario. It also gave Mario a 660 credit score.

3 — Roc’s Feather

After the inclusion of several Mario-related Easter eggs in “The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening,” the Mario team was eager to return the favor. Sadly, they couldn’t find a way to integrate jumping into the core gameplay.

4 — A Literal Iron Man Suit

Not many people are aware that “Super Mario Galaxy” was supposed to include a pretty significant Marvel crossover. Unfortunately, production on what would become the Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiled those plans.

5 — Bottle of Gin

This would have turned Mario into the Bob Hoskins version of the character from the 1993 film “Super Mario Bros.”

6 — A Potion That Makes Mario Feel Pain

This proposed power-up replaced the game’s jaunty death music with horrifying, realistic screaming. Mario would reportedly beg players not to make him jump over gaps. Several quality assurance professionals had to leave the profession after play-testing this one.

7 — Low-Jump Boots

These were removed after the discovery of a glitch that allowed for slightly more efficient speedrunning.

8 — A Stapler That Turns Mario Slightly More Red

Apparently, the designer of this power-up just picked a random item he saw on his desk after being directed to do more work for no additional compensation. Luckily, that sort of practice is unheard of in today’s digital media industry.

9 — Bandicoot Suit

This was dreamed up during Nintendo’s failed collaboration with Sony. That deal fell apart and, well, you know the rest of the story.

10 — X-Ray Specs

Developers saw an ad in the back of a comic book for an item that would allow Mario to see through obstacles, but when they ordered it and put it into the game, it just showed some random bones on the screen.

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