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Melania Trump Promotes BLM Movement Thinking It Stands for “Be Less Mean”

WASHINGTON — First Lady of the United States Melania Trump announced her enthusiastic support for the Black Lives Matter movement at a press briefing today after mistakenly thinking the acronym BLM stands for “Be Less Mean.”

“I am so happy that there is such a big movement like BLM right now. We must come together, in this time of unprecedented bullying, and all Be Less Mean,” Trump said at her press conference to promote her anti-bullying campaign Be Best. “To see so many Americans arrested, or even killed, for their staunch anti-bullying beliefs, is heartbreaking. I will be asking my husband, President Donald, to reverse these arrests and deaths. Now more than ever, BLM.”

Black Lives Matter activists are reportedly conflicted on how to handle the confusing remarks from the First Lady.

“I mean………….. fuck,” said one protester who wished to remain anonymous. “Fuck.”

“Well, maybe it’s good? Is it bad?” said another protester. “What if we convince Melania that the country’s most dangerous bullies are the police? Can we get Melania to support abolishing the police? Does it end up mattering if she does? I’m so used to moderate Democrats co-opting our messages to make them meaningless, so I’m not really sure how to respond to something this chaotic.”

Republicans, however, have reacted much more negatively to the news.

“Noooooo!!!! Mommy nooooooo!!!!!!!!!” Donald Trump Jr tweeted at the First Lady, who married his father when Trump Jr was 28 years old. “Mother!!@!!!!! tHat is not what it means!!!!! PLEASE DELETE THIS FLOTUS”

As of press time, Melania Trump retracted her support for the BLM movement after being informed that the acronym actually means “Bully Loudly & More.”

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