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Top 50 Best Games to Buy and Never Play

31. Dwarf Fortress

I pretty much knew I wasn’t going to play this even as I was buying it. But everyone was doing it! I could act noble and say I was supporting the developer, but really, I just wanted to fit in. I’m weak.

32. Sea of Thieves

Okay, if we’re gonna be honest, I’ve played Sea of Thieves. But how long has it been? Isn’t it time I hopped back aboard? I can sense the call of the sea on the sharp salt breeze. It’s time, matey. We sail at dawn. Or, like, 9 o’clock Eastern. Whatever works for you.

33. Sanctum

It combined a first person shooter with tower defense mechanics! I thought it was going to be the next big thing! Then none of my friends bought it.

34. Cities Skylines

Fond memories of old Sim City games were persuasive enough to motivate me to buy this game, but they apparently can’t convince me to actually play it. Plus, a bunch of Reddit comments said it was too easy. I deserve a challenging city builder.

35. God of War: Ragnarok

I fully intend to play Rangnarok, but I haven’t played the first game yet. I’m just waiting for a good sale on that one, then I’ll get around to the sequel.

36. Tabletop Simulator

Theoretically, Tabletop Simulator is a cool way to play board games with your friends even if you can’t be with each other. Unfortunately, I have never been able to test this theory.

37. Microsoft Flight Simulator

I still plan on playing this as soon as I’ve finally constructed my H.O.T.A.S. battlestation exactly as it exists in my imagination. It’ll only cost a few grand. I’ll just have to keep my Game Pass subscription until I’ve saved up the money for it.

38. Fable Anniversary Edition

I bought this assuming I would do a replay of the whole Fable trilogy. I didn’t even bother to look into whether or not the other games were available on PC. I mean, it’d be pretty stupid to just have the first one, right? Only dummies who didn’t do their due diligence would buy it. Oops.

39. Armored Core VI

As this game was downloading, I started watching gameplay footage. I don’t need another job right now.

40. Reus

I honestly have no idea what this game is or how it got into my Steam library. Do I just go into a fugue state and buy random games? If I had any less self control, I’d be incontinent.

41. Temtem

I never had time to play this Pokémon killer, mostly because I was too busy playing Pokémon.

42. A Hat in Time

Did you know that the developer of A Hat in Time was adamant that the game wouldn’t be ported to Switch? I believed that. Then the Switch version was announced right after I bought it. I’m sure I’ll get to it eventually, but I’m still processing that betrayal.

43. Pathfinder: Kingmaker

I bought this during a Steam sale because I had seen a lot of people talking about it. Unfortunately, I didn’t pay attention to what they were saying until after I had purchased the game.

44. Maneater

I remember sitting on my buddy’s couch and practically dying from laughter while playing Jaws Unleashed. I eagerly bought this spiritual successor to that game, but somehow I don’t think playing it alone on my laptop will have quite the same effect.

45. Age of Empires IV

It’s impossible for me to boot this game when I still have Age of Empires II right next to it in my inventory. I mean, I’m sure it’s good, but you can’t improve upon perfection.

46. Legend of Zelda

Please do not touch my golden cartridge. We’re just gonna let it stay behind the glass, okay?

47. Persona 5 Royal

My girlfriend started playing this before I could and now I can’t even get any time on our PS5. I honestly think if you asked her where she lived she would slip up and say, “Tokyo.”

48. God of War

Oh, shit. I guess I did buy this one, too. Huh.

49. Papers, Please

I’ve got enough anxiety in real life. I don’t need to play “Anxiety: The Game.”

50. The Witcher 3

Okay, yeah, I know. I need to play this game. But I’m a completionist. I’m halfway through the books now, and then I’ll start on the first two games. I’m a pretty slow reader, so give me a couple years, okay? I promise I’ll play it.

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