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Jack Black Already Adding Sims Movie to His IMDb Page

LOS ANGELES — Actor and comedian Jack Black was seen adding a credit for the upcoming film based on Electronic Arts’ Sims franchise to his IMDb page shortly after the movie’s recent announcement, sources confirm.

“It’s a video game movie. Of course I’m in it,” said Black, leaning over his keyboard. “I’ve sacrificed a lot for this career. I literally threw my best friend and comedy partner under the bus to preserve it. If I destroyed that relationship and don’t continue getting cast in these vapid, pointless adaptations of gaming properties, what was it all for?”

Producer Margot Robbie said she initially did not believe the reports.

“I kept getting all these texts from people saying I made a good choice in casting Jack,” said Robbie. “I assumed they were joking or that someone had vandalized his IMDb. By the time I realized he was the one responsible, everyone in the production was just acting like it was true. Our director Kate Herron was mad that I hadn’t consulted her, but excited to work with him. I don’t know. I guess Jack Black is in the Sims movie.”

Industry analysts noted that this isn’t the first time an actor has taken their career in their own hands.

“Sure, they edit their own IMDb pages all the time,” said entertainment journalist and historian Gene Clayton. “And that’s not the half of it. Jared Leto just started doing press for ‘Suicide Squad’ without asking because he wanted to play the Joker so bad. That—plus sending weirdly threatening gifts to the filmmakers to prove he was ‘method’—was enough to land him the part. Ben Affleck famously parked a trailer with a sign reading ‘Bruce Wayne/Batman’ on the Warner lot until Snyder caved. Chris Pratt found an early screenplay for ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ on the Dark Web and recorded all his lines at home. The suits at Illumination and Nintendo decided it would be cheaper and easier to just use that audio than find someone who could actually voice act. These guys aren’t just successful by accident.”

At press time, Black was seen editing Jim Carrey’s IMDb page, removing Carrey’s Sonic franchise credits and adding them to his own page.

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