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Web Comic Investigated for Complete Lack of Jokes

WASHINGTON — Fans of laughter rejoice, as the FCC has launched an investigation into the webcomic “Level Down” for complete lack of jokes.

“This webcomic has never successfully landed a punchline,” said FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel. “In the description of the comic the author claims the comic has ‘fun jokes, sarcasm, and pop culture references.’ So, to us, this is a classic case of false advertisement. Sure, Level Down has a ton of sarcasm and pop culture references, but any humor is completely missing. We brought in dozens of independent observers to read the comic’s archive and no one cracked a smile. We haven’t seen anything like this since our investigation into Penny Arcade.”

Level Down’s author Phillip Gore spoke harshly in response to the allegations against their work of creative excrement.

“Sorry the FCC doesn’t understand internet humor,” said the profoundly unfunny Gore in a room surrounded by Funko Pops. “I’ve got a crazy cast of characters who all have distinct personalities. You have the sarcastic game developer Grover, the sardonic web developer Tu-Tu, the frequently facetious app developer Ponyo, and of course the gorgeous Tyla, an endearingly snide Javascript expert. In this comic, Grover turns right to the audience and asks how this other character, who shares an opposing opinion to my own, could be so stupid. To the audience! Like in Deadpool!”

Defenders of Level Down cite that its cringeworthy non-humor is simply meeting the industry standard.

“People should not expect jokes from a humor webcomic,” explained President of Webcomics Artist United Dante Montez. “We find it’s much easier to just create a thinly-veiled self-insert character that is much more attractive than the artist in real life. Now that’s entertainment. People come to these comics for the terrible art and predictable, inhuman sounding dialogue. If we took that away, what would we have? Something worth reading? Maybe. But for some reason they keep filling up our Patreons regardless.”

At press time, the new Level Down comic was posted on /r/comics and any users criticizing it were swiftly banned.

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