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Dark, Brooding Anime on the Human Condition Also Includes Men Getting so Horny Their Noses Bleed

The anime world has a love affair with the new series My Brother Is A Suicidal Wizard, a dark, brooding examination of the human condition that also features men getting so horny that their noses spontaneously bleed.

“I’ve never seen a better examination of existential ennui, depression, and seeing a schoolgirl with such big cans that your nose excretes a river of blood,” said weeb Quentin Cross. “There are long, static shots, of the protagonist crying, describing the feelings of emptiness and pain he is always feeling. It really helped me to get through a tough time myself, because a lot of what I was feeling I also saw on screen. Then he spies on a group of sunbathers and one of them knocks him on the head with a wooden mallet, leaving a comically large bump on his head.”

The creator of the series, Hiroshi Tanaka, explained how he adapted his life experience to the screen.

“I’ve gone through some very dark periods in my life, and you can see that on screen, as well as my excessive horniness,” explained the accomplished award-winning writer. “I don’t think there’s any better medium than anime, because you can represent sadness, depression, and excessive fanservice in a hauntingly beautiful way. My favorite scene is where the suicidal wizard has to explain to his sister that depression is a disease, and then casts a spell to enlarge a woman’s tits. That’s straight out of my life.”

My Brother Is A Suicidal Wizard has been receiving rave reviews from the anime community, including some of the foremost experts in the medium such as anime historian Dante Poole.

“It’s a perfect anime. It might be the darkest one I’ve ever seen, and the chicks are so fucking hot,” explained Poole. “There’s a scene where he’s attempting suicide, it’s really hard to watch. Fortunately, as he’s about to hang himself, his crush comes in in a bikini, and a massive bead of sweat runs down his face and his nose just gushes blood like a volcano, and he has to explain he was just practicing tying knots before hiding his massive erection. It’s a truly beautiful metaphor.”

At press time, the producers have recently announced a sequel anime in which the wizard finds a very young-looking 300-year-old witch.

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