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100 Gecs Song Blasting Out of Busted iPhone Speakers Exactly How It Was Meant to Be Played

LOS ANGELES — Local audiophile Kieran Leach reportedly blasted the new 100 gecs album 10,000 gecs through his busted iPhone 6 speakers to ensure that the songs sounded exactly the way they should.

“I have a really fancy record player with a lot of really dope equipment, but that’s not the way 100 gecs is meant to be heard. If you don’t have a Nintendo 3DS around, the next best thing is to just find a cell phone you dropped on the floor while skateboarding in 2015 and pump the volume as high as possible. For a little extra volume, though, I stuck the phone in a glass,” Leach explained. “From pop-punk, to ska, to metal rap, the whole album sounds like someone took a bunch of songs from 2004 and filtered them through a blender. And that’s fucking awesome.”

“A few of my favorite songs from their last tour didn’t make it onto the album, like ‘Hey Big Man’ and ‘Fallen 4 Ü,’” Leach added. “Which is dope, because I much prefer blasting the recording I took of those songs on my phone in my pocket last time I saw them live. It pairs nicely, like a nice red wine and steak.”

Singer-songwriter Laura Les, one half of the hyperpop duo alongside Dylan Brady, confirmed that Leach was listening to the album the correct way.

“Blasting the music through some busted iPhone speakers is definitely the second or third best way to listen to 10,000 gecs,” Les confirmed. “But the #1 way to listen to the album is still pumping it through some fucked up speakers in your 20-year old Honda Accord getaway car while your friends rob a bank.”

At press time, Les and Brady confirmed that every show on their 2023 nationwide tour would feature the band playing their songs by holding their phone speakers up to a microphone.

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