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Brennan Lee Mulligan’s Entire Life Revealed to Be Elaborate “Game Changer” Bit

LOS ANGELES — Comedian Brennan Lee Mulligan’s entire upbringing and career were recently revealed to be part of one of Sam Reich’s trademark tricks for Dropout’s “Game Changer” show.

“Honestly, we chose him entirely at random,” said Reich. “We’re really lucky that he turned out to be an incredible comedian and performer. My father’s status from serving at the Federal Trade Commision in Carter’s administration allowed me several remarkable opportunities, one of which was to pick an infant to build an entire brand around when I was only four years old. When ‘The Truman Show’ came out in ‘98, I was worried that our thunder had been stolen. It’s very fortunate that he started playing Dungeons & Dragons and gave us a different angle.”

Mulligan noted that he was surprised—but not shocked—by the revelation.

“This is the kind of prank that could only happen under the oppressive paradigm of capitalism,” said Mulligan, staring directly at the camera as he leaned over a podium. “And you may think it’s just me, but these systems control all of us. Do you think that you are in charge of your own life? Friend, you are no different than me. A world where Elon Musk controls the majority of human discourse is not a world in which we are free to make our own decisions.”

Actress, playwright, and Mulligan’s mother Elaine Lee commented on her participation in the bit.

“Of course it was a difficult decision, but I saw Sam’s vision,” said Lee. “It was more than just embarrassing my son and making him question his sanity; it was the foundation of an entire media franchise. Besides, it’s not like I had any choice in the matter. Sam was present at Brennan’s birth, ready to scoop him up. He’s been here the whole time.”

At press time, Reich noted that he had an even bigger secret to reveal. Several witnesses reported that reality itself seemed to glitch when shortly after the announcement.

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