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V Rising Update Patch Notes May 15





V Rising 1.0 Hot Fix #3 May 15

The following improvements will be added to V Rising with this patch

Greetings Vampires!
Here are a few quick fixes to try and help out those Vampires who might be at risk of unraveling.
This hotfix will feature the following changes:
  • A fix that will “repair” journal quests that were not progressing the “Leave Crypt” quests.
  • Several crash fixes to various uncommon but significant events.


If you're having issues with the game, make sure to take a look at our known bugs and fixes to see if there's a potential solution to get you back into Vardoran as quickly as possible!
We're always grateful for your help in translating the game at
IMPORTANT NOTE! Please report any issues you encounter after this patch here.
ADDITIONAL REMINDER! Regularly back up your server saves! Here's how to do it.
Stay vigilant in the shadows of Vardoran, our fellow Vampires!


Eternally yours,
/Stunlock Studios



V Rising 1.0 Hot Fix #2 May 14

The following improvements will be added to V Rising with this patch

Greetings Vampires!
The war on bug-kind continues unabated as our elder Vampires set to massacring those who would disrupt our mission to conquer Vardoran! We are doing our utmost to ensure you, or kin, can build your legend uninterrupted. Consider this one more step towards the most perfect Vampire experience we can offer.
This hotfix will feature the following changes:
  • Fixed a rare bug where players could get stuck in combat once they leave a fight.
  • Fixed a rare issue where players could get stuck outside of the map with a “blue screen” on login, as their character was not synced properly to their client.
  • Fixed a potential server crash issue.
  • Fixed an issue where players would technically still have a weapon equipped after dragging and dropping it into the upgrade slot of the Ancestral Forge.
  • Fixed an issue where the Soul Shard map icon would not update correctly to follow the player carrying it if the Soul Shard was equipped directly from a Soul Shard pedestal.
  • Fixed a rare issue where not all unlocked progressions were correctly synced to a player upon login.
  • Fixed an issue where the maximum user cap would not work correctly, allowing more players to join a server than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where pillars could be destroyed in wide entrances if the wide entrance did not have support by an additional wall. This meant that a golem could destroy an entrance in one hit if they hit the pillar.
  • The server setting for displaying siege golems on the map is now toggled as “disabled” as the default setting. This will retroactively go into affect on Official Servers, and on those servers siege golems will no longer show on the map when placed.
  • Enemy players may now interact with prison cells, but they are not able to kill or subdue prisoners this way. This fixes an issue where players stored loot in Prison cells to secure it from enemy raids.
  • Players may now insert subdued units into empty enemy cells to allow for prisoner trades.
  • When purchasing books from a trader you can now see what books you have already unlocked.
  • Fixed a few assets that were not fading correctly when the player was standing behind them.
  • Lanterns in Farbane Woods Cemeteries now emit light correctly.
  • The illusion spawned when using Veil of Illusion will no longer attack other players in PvE.
  • The support mail in the main menu has been updated.


If you're having issues with the game, make sure to take a look at our known bugs and fixes to see if there's a potential solution to get you back into Vardoran as quickly as possible!
We're always grateful for your help in translating the game at
IMPORTANT NOTE! Please report any issues you encounter after this patch here.
ADDITIONAL REMINDER! Regularly back up your server saves! Here's how to do it.
Stay vigilant in the shadows of Vardoran, our fellow Vampires!


Eternally yours,
/Stunlock Studios



V Rising 1.0 Hot Fix #1 May 10

The following improvements will be added to V Rising with this patch

Greetings Vampires!
We give the dust no time to settle on our coffins! We’re hard at work slaying the first round of bugs following our full launch. We’re doing everything to make your bloody massacre across Vardoran as dignified and bug free as it should be, and in the spirit of that we offer the following bug fixes.
The hotfix, which will begin at 7 UTC and will be rolled out over Official Servers over the next 30-60 minutes, will have the following changes:
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to mount horses when using a gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the Incursion Events would not run correctly on select PvP servers, causing all events to stop running for an additional 24 hours+.
  • Fixed an issue where cosmetic items could be salvaged into high tier materials than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the client could crash when using the “Fill Wallpaper” feature in large castles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Castle Heart blood essence drain modifier server setting would not work correctly when modified.
  • Fixed a few issues related to castle relocation that could cause flying roofs to stay in place as well as blocking the possibility to build new castles in the affected territory.
  • Fixed an issue where saplings/trees planted in growing plots in the castle got stuck in an invisible state blocking them from growing as well as blocking dismantle.
  • Fixed a rendering issue where terrain did not render correctly if viewed through the walls of a castle that was in the “disabled defenses” state (PvP).
  • Fixed an issue where rulesets in the advanced settings menu did not update the “save” button correctly, causing ruleset changes to not apply unless the player manually altered a setting before exiting the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to save settings after loading a preset.
  • Fixed a rendering issue with the rim light effect causing it to not work on all types of units.
  • Fixed a rendering issue on clouds while in bat form.


If you're having issues with the game, make sure to take a look at our known bugs and fixes to see if there's a potential solution to get you back into Vardoran as quickly as possible!
We're always grateful for your help in translating the game at
IMPORTANT NOTE! Please report any issues you encounter after this patch here.
ADDITIONAL REMINDER! Regularly back up your server saves! Here's how to do it.


Eternally yours,
/Stunlock Studios


Those are the patch notes up through May 15 for V Rising.

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