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The Planet Crafter Update Patch Notes May 27





The Explosive Update is LIVE! May 27

New explosives, skins, improved wrecks, secrets and more!
Hello terraformers!


The “Explosive” Update is now available for everyone!

We wanted to add a few things in version 1.0, but we didn't have time to do so. So here is a new free update with all this content less than two months after the 1.0 release!
You will be able to use the new explosive devices to access new hidden areas, such as the new Red Falls biome.
We improved the procedural wrecks generation to be more engaging and fun to explore by adding new rooms. And if you're lucky while exploring, you might discover a genetic trait for a new animal species!
Additionally, we added a new skins system, allowing you to change your outfits by collecting more than 15 skins! This will make it easier to differentiate between your friends while playing in co-op!
As usual, we added new items & quality of life features, fixed some bugs and we hid new secrets!

Your save files will transfer seamlessly to the update. But if you want to try a fresh adventure, feel free to create a new game to fully experience this update!
And remember that you must use the same version to play with your friends.


Full Changelog – v0.1.102 – The Explosive Update


New Items

  • Explosives allowing to access new hidden areas : Unlock it via blueprint microchips
  • More than 15 skins (spacesuits) to find in the world
  • New genetic trait for a new creature
  • New "Ecosystem" machine, that will generate larvae
  • Animal food allowing to increase generation of animals
  • One new tree seed
  • T4 Exoskelleton
  • Space suit displayer



  • New Red Falls biome
  • Improved procedural wreck generation by adding new tiles to avoid the "maze" feeling
  • One new secret place to discover Ikhlas final base, look under a waterfall
  • Added 4 new procedural wrecks directly in the main map
  • Some trees will now spawn naturally in the world depending on the seeds planted by the player
  • Improved the world collisions to avoid texture clipping
  • Added a beacon to return portals when in a long range wreck


Quality of life and balancing

  • Foundation can now be built trough rocks
  • Added snapping for sofas, desktops and outdoor farms
  • Map UI can now be moved with keyboard keys
  • Increased number of larvae chances to spawn
  • Drone station and T2 beehive unlock a bit sooner
  • Added the ability to build on roof glass
  • Animal multiplier from spawners when not fed is halved instead of null
  • DNA Extractor now showing traits details
  • DNA Extractor now generating traits on group selection if in creative mode
  • Trade platform can be placed freely (not only on terrain)
  • Small changes to ending texts to make it more cheerfull
  • Riley ending now require only 250000 tokens
  • Increased wardens final key altars visibility trigger
  • Various minor changes



  • Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after a long playtime
  • Improved textures performances
  • Engine and netcode versions upgraded


Stay in the loop

As always, don't miss any information about Planet Crafter and Miju Games:


See you soon, and happy terraforming!
Amélie for Miju Games



1.0 Patch #2 – Main branch May 6

Small update to fix some issues
Hello Terraformers!
We've just uploaded a small patch on the main branch.
You need to restart Steam to get it.
For people playing multiplayer make sure everyone has the same version, if in doubt restart Steam.
This update mainly fixes bugs, improve performances and balance some content.


V 1.005 : Changelog

  • Asteroid won't strike so close of the player anymore
  • Asteroid debris are now automatically destroyed if inside a base
  • Replaced flour with wheet in animal feeder recipe
  • Vegetube T3 can now be placed on grids
  • Fixed issue with rocket screen not displaying correct multipliers
  • Added an option to disable emotes keyboard shortcuts
  • Disable drones in autocrafter if not unlocked yet
  • Fixed an issue with interior panel deconstruction not reverting to an empty panel
  • Improved snapping precision of same type modules
  • Added an error message on the main menu if we try to connect to a server with a different game version


Stay in the loop

As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games :


See you soon, and good terraforming!

Brice for Miju Games



1.0 Patch #1 – Main branch April 25

Small update to fixe some issues
Hello Terraformers!
We've just uploaded a small patch on the main branch.
You need to restart Steam to get it.
For people playing multiplayer make sure everyone has the same version, if in doubt restart Steam.
This update mainly fixes bugs, improve performances and balance some content.


V 1.003 : Changelog

  • Improve terrain performance improvements
  • Increased biomass, insects, animals rockets multipliers
  • Genetic synthesizer and animals rocket unlock sooner
  • Traits are now sorted by types and values in inventories
  • Reduced multiplayer factor default value
  • Fixed a client freeze when trying to get tooltip information of a destructed object
  • Fixed underwater detection for machines near a water plane
  • Fixed an issue allowing clients to move unauthorized items in scene inventories
  • Fixed an issue allowing clients to add multiple traits of the same type in the DNA synthetizer
  • Fixed an issue with difficulty 4 wreck starting ladder potentially leading outside of the wreck
  • Fixed an issue teleporting the wrong player when another player enters in a portal
  • Disabled emotes in the portal tunnel as it caused issues with the UI reinit when exiting the tunnel
  • Add species traits to potential loot
  • Fix error with energy when loading different games
  • Various optimizations and safety checks added
  • Fix localization issues


Stay in the loop

As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games :


See you soon, and good terraforming!

Brice for Miju Games


Those are the patch notes through May 27 for The Planet Crafter.

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