Customization Update June 27
Hello everyone!
The long-awaited update has arrived!
As I've said before, I took some time to build a team and now we're back in the game. Thank you all for your patience and support. I hope you enjoy the update.
What’s new:
Modified restockers to take boxes from the ground too
Added more sections for the storage area
Added renaming the supermarket
Added changing the position of the entrance
Painting the walls…
…and the floor
New shelves-fridges-freezers & color variations
There’s more!
Added a large rack
Changed the small rack model
Separated the storage's light control
Edited product placement in boxes to see the last product in the box easily
Visual bug fixes
Added placement zone to spotlights
Fixed customers paying less than they should
Fixed NPCs getting stuck on navigation
Fixed loan payments are sent even after paid off early or completed
Supermarket Simulator on Steam is the only game we're developing. Please don't mind other games/studios using supermarket naming to clone our game.
Thank you and have fun!
Patch v0.1.2.4 April 1
Hello everyone! Thank you for playing Supermarket Simulator.
Here's the patch notes for v0.1.2.4:
Added mouse invert and FOV settings
Fixed not being able to take items into the empty boxes once closed and opened that started to happen after the last update
Fixed not being able to place boxes once placed into racks AKA boxes staying red
Fixed restockers mixing products and misplacing them
Fixed NPC pathfinding bug that causes characters to get stuck or move weirdly
Fixed product icons on boxes are clipping with the cardboard box
Fixed closed checkouts are re-opening on a new day by itself
Fixed the count of Zap Soda on purchase
Fixed racks keeping the label when placing an empty box onto them
Fixed cashiers not starting to work when spawned or moved
Optimized the way restockers work for better FPS
Please let us know when you encounter any issue on our Discord or Steam community so that we can fix it asap.
Thank you and have fun!
That’s a wrap on the patch notes for Supermarket Simulator on June 27.