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Pioneers Of Pagonia Update Patch Notes May 14

A compilation of all recent patch notes thus far for city builder Pioneers of Pagonia, in descending order, from latest to oldest:





Patch 0.6.0 – New Quality of Life Improvements May 14

Atmospheric Lighting Setups, New Help Grid, Efficiency Statistics and More!


Dear Pioneers,

It's here! Our next update is packed with Quality-of-Life-Improvements and brand new features that will enhance your game experience of Pioneers of Pagonia. Take your time and read the patch notes carefully, because this update is full of great new stuff!


What’s new?

  • New Village State: Acquainted
  • Building Construction Mode: New Help Grid & Snapping to Road
  • Road Construction Mode: 90 Degree Snapping
  • Efficiency Statistics
  • Demolish Refund and Visualization
  • New Additional Light Setups
  • And many more!
Find the full list of changes in the patch notes below.



Developer Notes

The month of April just flew by and It feels like yesterday, that we've released our first multiplayer mode! It definitely made us really happy to watch all the co-op livestreams on Twitch. But, of course, there is still so much more to do! We kept ourselves busy by working on a bunch of new features and improvements we would like to share with you today.


New Village State: Acquainted

Being kind to other factions will pay off much sooner than before! The new state "Acquainted" is already achieved with 50% faction standing and will unlock some trade and gift offers with your friendly Pagonians from the neighborhood. This makes sure you can profit from the benefit of trade much earlier in the game.


New Building Construction Mode and Road Construction Mode

This one will please everyone, who prefers to plan out their settlements very accurately. First of all, there will be a new help grid, which will inform you about space available around the current building. This will make it much easier to estimate space for roads and other planned buildings!
Secondly, the entrance of a building will automatically snap to the road while hovering over an existing road or very close to it. This will definitely save you some time and make building your beautiful village much easier.
And lastly, this is for everyone, who loves 90 degree angles and straight lines: don't worry, we got you! The new road construction mode allows new planned roads to automatically snap to 90 or 180 degree angles if the current mouse position is close to those axes.


Efficiency Statistics

Now you will get even more information on individual buildings! Just hover over a building and it will show the efficiency value in the building tooltip. Also, if you select a building, the efficiency value is shown, too! This is very helpful to understand whether the building is operating continuously or not, and at which efficiency level.


New Additional Lighting Setups

We saved the best for last: Let us introduce three brand new lighting setups to make Pagonia look stunning! (it looked stunning before, but this is a whole new vibe!)
By using a hotkey (default: CTRL+L) it’s possible to change the current map lighting setup at any time. We are soo happy with how they turned out, because each of them is looking gorgeous and sets an entirely different mood!
We can't wait for you to try the different lighting setups and let your villages shine! Please share your screenshots with us on Discord or in the Steam Community Hub, we would love to see them!


Cloudy Daytime (Default)

Golden Hour



And this is not all, there are more features in the patch notes below! We hope you enjoy these improvements in your next game session.
Pick up the tools, Pioneers!
Your Envision Entertainment Team




Patch Notes 0.6.0




New Village State: Acquainted

  • The new state “Acquainted” is already achieved with 50% faction standing
  • The “Acquainted” state already unlocks some trade and gift offers
  • The overall amount of trade and gift offers has been increased


Building Construction Mode: New Help Grid

In building construction mode, a help grid will now also inform about space available around the current building position. This is very helpful to immediately recognize if there is enough room to build a road along or around the building. Beside that, it helps in general to estimate available space for other planned buildings nearby.


Building Construction Mode: Snapping to Road

In building construction mode, hovering over an existing road or very close to it will snap the entrance direction of the planned building to the road. This means it is still possible to place buildings sideways to roads, but also to snap them to the road directly without the need to rotate the building.


Road Construction Mode: 90 Degree Snapping

In road construction mode, new planned roads will snap automatically to 90 and 180 degree angles if the current mouse position is close to those axes. The new planned road segment will snap to existing road segments, previous planned road segments and to existing buildings/construction sites.
  • Road snapping can be enabled and disabled with a new button in the road construction menu
  • Road snapping can be suppressed by holding CTRL (customizable)


Efficiency statistics: Individual building efficiency display

  • For each building with a continuous workflow, an efficiency value is shown
    • Hovering over a building will show the efficiency value in the building tooltip
    • For a selected building, the efficiency value is displayed, too. The tooltip of the value will show the efficiency graph for the last hour. This is very helpful to understand whether the building is operating continuously or not, and at which efficiency level.
  • Efficiency values are displayed for the following buildings:
    • 9 different gathering buildings (Woodcutter, Quarry, Copper hut, etc.)
    • 16 different production buildings (Sawmill, Weaponsmith, etc.)
    • Both farm buildings, reflecting successful harvesting
    • Forester, reflecting successful planting of trees
    • Tavern, reflecting successful meal ingredient usage
    • Guard Tower / Garrison, reflecting territory expansion
    • Explorer, reflecting unknown territory exploration
  • The efficiency value reflects actual positive results, not if the units are continuously busy. The value of 100% is a best case value, it can be lower for many reasons, depending on the building type. Here are some examples:
    • Longer walk distances (for gathering buildings, farms, territory building, explorer, etc.)
    • Missing input commodities, missing food supply (for mining) or full output piles
    • Weaker ingredients which consume more production time (copper instead of iron)
    • Rotting plants (for farms: more seeding, less harvesting)


Economy enhancement: Commodity redirection by more flexible input piles

  • Equipment items in training buildings which are currently not needed for the ordered and scheduled units of that building, will be released and redirected to other locations if they are needed there. This ensures that equipment can be exchanged between e.g. multiple guild houses or multiple military academies to handle the training/recruitment orders.
  • Input commodities in buildings which are currently not needed because their recipe has been disabled, will be released and redirected to other locations if they are needed there.


Demolish refund and visualization

  • Demolishing a building grants 50% (rounded down) of wood/stone construction materials that were used to construct the building
  • Cloth and rope are refunded 100%
  • A tooltip shows the amount of commodities refunded
  • A simple demolish visualization has been added
  • The demolish refund can help to escape deadlock situations (no more softwood beams, no more stone deposits, no more nutrition food for quarries)


New additional lighting setups

  • For customized maps you can select between one of several new lighting setups. At the very end of the “Map Setup” section, you will find a new dropdown for “Atmosphere”
  • By pressing a hotkey (default: CTRL+L) it’s possible to change the current map lighting setup at any time. The last active lighting setup will be part of the savegame.
  • The 4 available lighting setups are:
    • Sunrise
    • Cloudy Daytime (Default)
    • Golden Hour
    • Sunset
  • New directional atmospheric fog
    • The fog color reacts when facing the sun
    • Can be deactivated in the settings





  • When a hunter is selected, nearby animals get highlighted
  • Rations and nutrition meals now still look different after being served at mining buildings


Map Setups

  • The landing party “Beginner” now contains some trade carriers
  • Added enemy level “Extremely many” which adds another 50% of enemies
  • Added landing party “Beginner (Extended for co-op)”
  • This landing party has been created for co-op to allow a faster game start. It has both more units and more commodities. Adding more enemies keeps the overall challenge similar.



  • Improved reflection on the cliff textures



  • Audio mixing
  • Saved games can be deleted from the load and save menus
  • Loading the game to the main menu with many saved games is now faster.
  • Switched trade UI layout for better readability so that the player is on left side and the NPC side is on right side
  • Improvements in the UI layout
  • Improvements of the localized texts
  • Improved rendering performance through optimized LOD levels for characters
  • Optimized VRAM usage with optimized texture compression setup
  • “Join Co-op game” button got a tooltip
  • Reworked visuals for the thieves
  • Improved rendering of distance fog
  • Performance improvements on maps with a lot of Pagonians





  • Fixed: Sometimes the building state “Construction paused” was not removed even though the building got finished
  • Fixed: Sometimes a guard tower did not get any reinforcements
  • Fixed: When a soldier was living in a residence or cottage, its selection window did not reflect this
  • Fixed: A Pagonian bitten by a werewolf would still show “Ready for new orders” when selected
  • Fixed: A bitten Pagonian did not have an icon
  • Fixed: Building preview got stuck at its current location if cursor hovers any UI while holding right mouse button
  • Fixed: Fishers do not block traffic
  • Fixed: Storage pile not accepting commodities under some circumstances
  • Fixed issue where farmers would disregard work orders
  • Fixed issues where neutral village territories would prevent road accessibility for points of interest



  • Fixed: Sometimes fish were swimming into the ground when close to the shore
  • Forester now carries different looking hardwood and softwood saplings
  • Fixed: State "not enough to do for all staff members at the moment" stayed active when building was turned off
  • The color of porcini and raspberries baskets was too similar, so the white blanket was removed from the porcini basket
  • Fixed: Black rabbits suddenly turned red when dead.



  • Fixed: When changing the language, not all text was updated to the new language
  • Fixed several crashes
  • Fixed: Placed pings in a co-op session persisted in the world after last client left the session



0.5.5 – Hotfix April 29

  • Fixed several crashes during map generation
  • Fixed shader regression on AMD cards



0.5.4. – Hotfix April 25

  • Fixed some desyncs
  • Fixed a regression that made the game crash on Proton/Linux/SteamDeck.
    • Note: We currently do not support the game on Linux on a general basis, and there is a known issue that the game does not run on newer nVidia hardware.



0.5.3 – Hotfix April 18

  • Fixed a crash that could occur during map generation when low on GPU memory
  • Fixed several rarely occurring crashes
  • Fixed multiplayer join when the map was not yet finished generating
  • Improved compatibility with Intel Arc
  • Fixed a rare desync bug that could occur during multiplayer sessions



0.5.2 – Hotfix April 17

  • Fixed a crash that could occur during map generation
  • Fixed several rarely occuring crashes
  • Improved diagnostic logs for some crash reasons



0.5.1 – Hotfix April 16


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a desync bug that could occur during multiplayer sessions



Co-op Update 0.5.0 April 11

Major Content Update: Shared Co-op with up to 4 Players!


Dear Pioneers,

We are excited to announce the release of our next major content update: Shared Co-op is now available! Get ready to play Pioneers of Pagonia together with your friends! The last weeks working on this feature have been a lot of fun. If you are looking for groups to play together do not hesitate to join our Discord channel and connect with other players.
Catch a first glance at gameplay by watching this short clip of our devs playing a Co-op-Session. Even game devs are not safe from hungry werewolves. :D


What’s new?

  • Shared Co-op: Up to four Players!
  • Three Ways to team up!
  • Multiplayer Saves
  • New Interface Features
  • Improved Audio Mixing
  • Several Fixes
Find the full list of changes in the patch notes below.

Patch Notes 0.5.0


New Feature: Co-op Mode

Shared Co-op is our first multiplayer mode. It means that up to four players can play one faction together without limitations. Any team member may place buildings, paths, send commands or change settings at any time for that one faction.


To team up, there are 3 ways:

  • You can join a Steam friend currently playing Pioneers of Pagonia anytime, if that player has set their game to “open for friends” and not to “private”.
  • While you are running a game, you can also invite Steam friends to join your game via the Steam friend invite overlay.
  • You can also copy a game ID of your current match and share it with other people to allow them to join. This is helpful if you want someone to join who is not on your Steam friend-list or if you want to make sure that only specific players who received the code can enter. To that end, players who have your current game ID can join even if your game is set to “private”, so no random friends can join in who just happen to see you play in Steam.


Multiplayer saves:

  • Any player participating can save multiplayer games, any player participating can continue the saved games. Other players can join until the player limit, currently 4 players, is reached. While the player who sets up the map is defined as the host, anyone else can take over that role in a restart when loading a save game. They can also continue alone later if they want to, so savegames can be used both for single player and shared co-op gameplay.


Interface features:

  • You can see a list of all participating players and their connection quality.
  • Each player receives an individual player color, which is used to differentiate the players in the user interface. The color is visible on the player's name list for easy recognition.
  • You can see where other players currently plan to place a building with an outline of their player color.
  • You can see the camera position of other team members on the overview map in their player color.
  • You and your team members can “ping” locations in the world (even multiple ones at a time) to mark points of interest, and those are both shown on the overview map and the world view in the respective player color.
  • If one or more players select a building, this is also visualized in the game world view with an outline border of their player color.


Playing together:

  • The host can pause the game by entering the game menu (ESC key)
  • The host can change the game speed
  • If commands of team members conflict, they get automatically resolved. E.g. if one interaction turns another one invalid, e.g. because there is no longer enough room for a building, the first command stays valid.
  • The UI feedback (e.g. you see if another player currently selects a building, probably to change settings) helps to avoid simultaneous actions unless intended. But parallel actions are still allowed whenever possible, e.g. multiple players can adjust settings, in the same building simultaneously.



  • Audio mixing
  • Better logging for specific classes of errors
  • Improved diagnostics for some crash types



  • Fixed: When cycling through buildings with the TAB key, it no longer jumps to invalid positions
  • Fixed: Sometimes an error message was shown that a guildhall was missing even if there was one
  • Fixed: Some buildings were showing smoke during construction preview
  • Fixed: The enable guidance checkbox in the start new game flow was sometimes missing
  • Fixed: Fixed issues where POIs could not be reached with roads
  • Fixed: Fixed several crashes during map generation
  • Fixed: Fixed several minor issues to improve map generation
  • Fixed: Tavern tables no longer count as building for the Build Buildings objective
  • Fixed: Builders and diggers will now finish their current work step when the building is paused during construction before leaving the building
  • Fixed: Upon changing the language not all texts were updated to the new language until the game was restarted
  • Fixed: Changed display of meal quality statistics to better reflect actual data
  • Fixed: Boars' selection window now explains that they scare civilians
  • Fixed: Non-fighting units do no longer display their combat strength


Those are the patch notes up through May 14 for Pioneers of Pagonia

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