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Eco Update Patch Notes May 16

Sandbox simulation Eco continues strong over six years into its Early Access release. This is a compilation of patch notes up through May 16, in descending order, from latest to oldest:





Hotfix 10.2.4 released! May 16

Hey Citizens,
we have just released Hotfix 10.2.4 to address the following issues:



  • Changed: Upgrades now also benefit from crafting time reduction by modules and provide some experience towards the Self Improvement skill. (Experience will be revisited later)
  • Fixed: Recipes with static ingredients were not affected by config multipliers.
  • Fixed: Some recipes with static ingredients did not benefit from crafting time reduction by modules.



  • Fixed: Civic powers that weren't created during the current play session could not be used by title holders.
  • Fixed: "Ignore Auth" action for laws was not working.



Hotfix 10.2.3 released! May 14

Hey Citizens,
we have just released Hotfix 10.2.3 to address the following issues:



  • Fixed: An issue that could lead to the map not displaying icons after connecting to a server.
  • Fixed: Placing a waterpump could lead to a crash or the waterpump becoming invisible, the savegame becoming corrupted afterwards.
  • Fixed: An exploit with exhaustion that allowed to get into a permanent state of the exhaustion time being paused despite no longer resting on furniture.



  • Changed: Framed Glass recipe now requires Epoxy as ingredient.
  • Fixed: Research recipes were incorrectly benefitting from module bonuses.



  • Fixed: An issue with child settlements in property crisis that could prevent migration to version 10.2.X.
  • Fixed: A crash that could occur when a law that is currently being revised is no longer present once the revision passes.
  • Fixed: Warnings about invalid civics were not sent when a civic goes invalid after it being invalid was resolved.


This update includes the debug command "/checkobjects" that logs debug information into the client logfile and should be used when reporting any issues that revolve around any kind of object (carcasses, rubble, trees, tables, vehicles, etc.) being uninteractable.



Maintenance Update 10.2.2 released! April 30

Hey Citizens,
we have just released Maintenance Update 10.2.2 to address the following issues:



  • Fixed: An exploit that allowed to convert any block material to any other block material when building.
  • Fixed: Multiple causes for memory leaks on servers in relation to room calculations - thanks to all server admins that provided us with valuable data.
  • Fixed: An issue that could cause players to have a duplicated avatar.
  • Fixed: Added missing "MaxDimensionOfUserTexture" config variable to



  • Improved: Increased experience gain from crafting Nails, Iron, Steel, Modern Tools and Handheld Camera.
  • Improved: Increased the amount of Ceramic Molds returned when crafting Steel Bars from 2 to 3.
  • Improved: Increased the storage radius of the Wooden Transport Ship.
  • Improved: Increased the storage radius of the Store.
  • Improved: Level requirements for shipwright vehicles and dependencies are now in a more logical order.
  • Fixed: Large Cotton Bunting Festive now requires boards to craft, as intended.



  • Fixed: Unrestricted claim papers from the respective server setting or spawned by an admin were considered as homestead papers when trying to join a settlement with such papers in use, preventing to join.
  • Fixed: Usage of unrestricted claim papers with settlements could cause a variety of crashes when the game tried to move them elsewhere due to for example a law action unclaiming or transferring a property.
  • Fixed: An issue that could crash the server and subsequently prevent the world from loading related to property transfers occuring through laws.
  • Fixed: The executive actions for seizing bank accounts and giving reputation weren't respecting jurisdiction.
  • Fixed: Injunctions didn't correctly block selected laws.
  • Fixed: Bank accounts couldn't be deleted.



  • Changed: "BonusRetroactiveHoursAfterStart" and "MaxSavedHours" config options now only take effect when "AllowPlaytimeSaving" is enabled. "BonusHoursOnExhaustionEnabled" will always work, but no longer roll over to the next day when the first login happened shortly before the exhaustion reset. This was changed due to feedback from server admins that the settings were confusing and will be revisited later.
  • Improved: Not applicable settings no longer show in the server info in the server browser.
  • Fixed: Setting "BonusHoursOnExhaustionEnabled" or "MaxSavedHours" config variables to 0 would prevent players that had not connected to the server before that to join it.
  • Fixed: Multiple issues with incorrect resets for exhaustion when the reset time wasn't equal to the change of day in local server time.



  • Added: Reimplemented the ability to disallow uploads in the Printing Press based on feedback from server admins. The formerly deprecated config variable "AllowTextureUpload" in can be used to control that, but will be renamed in a later update to reflect the changed scope of the setting.
  • Fixed: Images that weren't approved could be put into frames.
  • Fixed: Images in frames were visible to players despite not being approved.
  • Fixed: Automatic approval of pictures didn't work with the setting noted in



  • Fixed: A wrong mention of the players' own homestead instead of the settlement they wanted to join in the error message informing the player about their homestead not being covered by enough influence.


World Objects:

  • Fixed: Carved Pumpkin didn't count as lighting object.
  • Fixed: Carved Pumpkins couldn't be used outside.



Hotfix 10.2.1 released! April 10

Hey Citizens,
we have just released Hotfix 10.2.1 to address the following issues:



  • Fixed: A rare issue that could prevent migration of worlds, making them fail to load in Update 10.2.
  • Fixed: Repeatedly and quickly applying fertilizer could lead to the client being disconnected from the server.
  • Fixed: Adding unrestricted claim papers received through settings to a claim stake wouldn't allow to claim more land.
  • Fixed: Interacting with a claim stake containing unrestricted claim papers or adding such to one could lead to the client being disconnected from the server.
  • Removed: Deprecated config variables for Exhaustion in



  • Fixed: Recurve bow was using the wrong specialty for repairing.
  • Fixed: Small court had too many law slots - it now has three (one more than in Update 10.1).
  • Fixed: Bunting recipes in the automatic loom were missing their board ingredient.



  • Fixed: Dirt ramps were an option for the law trigger "open".
  • Fixed: Dirt ramps could not be used with the "pick up and place" and "construct or deconstruct" law triggers.



  • Fixed: Dropping an item on the menu buttons next to the minimap would break the UI.
  • Fixed: Some hints were still mentioning the border control settings to be found on the embassy desk instead of the settlement foundation.


World Objects:

  • Added: On / Off switch for the lighthouse lamp.
  • Fixed: Sitting on the new cast iron furniture was not possible.


Those are the patch notes up through May 16 for Eco.

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