Once you’ve finished Dragon’s Dogma 2, and slain your nemesis in battle, the next natural step would be New Game Plus for a new challenge. However, that is not the true continuation of the game, and some players have even found the difficulty to be lacking. If you’d like to play Dragon’s Dogma 2 in truly hardcore mode, find out how to unlock the true ending questline.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Unlock True Ending

Spoiler alert. While riding the Dragon to the battlefield, make your way towards the head, and then to the side over the shoulders. Don’t worry about falling off, as the game will have you grab on to the Dragon automatically as you make your way to its glowing scar. Access the Empowered Godsbane Blade from your inventory, and stab yourself with it, while in this position.
A cutscene will unfold with you and the Dragon plummeting to the waters below. At the end of it, the splash screen pictured above will appear.

Once you’re back on dry land, your true ending questline will begin, with finding your Pawn being your first priority.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Unlock True Ending After Normal Ending

If you’ve already fought and bested the Dragon, or even if you’ve gotten the bad ending, you still have an opportunity to access the true ending.
During the credits, do NOT sit on the throne. Instead, walk up to the ethereal hooded figure seated at the table to the left of the throne, and hail him. Once the cutscene is over, you can choose to either sit on the throne, or hail the ghostly figure a second time, as he stands amidst the crowd in the middle of the room. Do the latter and watch the cutscene.
You will find yourself back riding the Dragon to the battlefield, where you will have the opportunity to stab it through the heart with the Empowered Godsbane Blade as detailed above.
That’s everything about unlocking the questline for the true ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2.