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Diablo 4 Paragon Glyph Guide: How to Farm Glyphs Faster

The Diablo 4 post-campaign endgame will unlock a new progression mechanic called Paragon Boards–a different kind of skill tree, specifically after hitting level 50. Paragon Glyphs are items that can be socketed into these boards in order to boost the stats of nodes in their mentioned radius. This Diablo IV guide will show you how to farm these Paragon Glyphs.

Diablo 4 Paragon Glyph Guide: Farm Grim Favors

To begin farming for Paragon Glyphs, you need to have access to World Tier 3 and The Tree of Whispers, both of which unlock access to Nightmare Dungeons using Nightmare Sigils. By completing timed bounties for The Tree of Whispers, you will earn Grim Favors. Collecting ten such Grim Favors unlocks the opportunity to purchase Collections, and Greater Collections if you’re lucky, which contain a randomized assortment of loot. While you can perform these bounties on any World Tier, it is only from World Tier 3 and up that you begin receiving Nightmare Sigils as drops. Also note that the Grim Favors themselves are tracked separately on each World Tier, so any accumulated on a lower tier cannot be cashed in on World Tier 3.

Farm Nightmare Sigils – Diablo IV

Once you have acquired a single Nightmare Sigil through Whispers of the Dead bounties, you can access a Nightmare variant of a predetermined Dungeon which raises its difficulty and modifies it with between three to five affixes. Run a Nightmare Dungeon to completion to gain another Nightmare Sigil by the end, and that is ideally Tier 3 or higher. Completing a minimum Tier 3 Nightmare Dungeon will unlock Sigil Crafting at the Occultist, allowing you to salvage unwanted Sigils, and craft new ones from the resulting Sigil Powder, at your discretion.

How to Farm Paragon Glyphs in Diablo 4

Over the course of running Nightmare Dungeons, you will receive random Glyph drops with random rarities. If you have multiple Nightmare Sigils for the same Dungeon location, you can run them back to back, ignoring the mandatory reset timer entirely, and sparing yourself the travel time between Dungeons. Once you have a Glyph in your possession you can socket it into your Paragon Board.

You can then begin leveling up your Glyphs with XP, which will be done upon completing a Nightmare Dungeon by killing the end boss–doing so spawns a bubble-shielded Awakened Glyphstone, with which you can interact to select the Glyph you want to put XP towards. Paragon Glyphs become more effective as they are leveled up, but XP requirements are quite high relative to the rate at which it is accrued.

That is everything you need to know about farming and leveling Paragon Glyphs in Diablo 4. Check out our Blood and Sweat sidequest guide if you’re having trouble with that.

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