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Action Movie Director Announces Plans for New Series That Starts Getting Good by the Fifth One

LOS ANGELES — Famed action movie director Mattie Melton announced a new series of films he is working on called Agent Amazing that will get good by the fifth one.

“Yeah, so the first four movies are going to suck. That’s non-negotiable. But then the fifth one? That one’s gonna completely change the game and blow everybody’s socks off,” Melton explained. “That’s just how movies are now. Whether it’s the Fast and Furious franchise or the Mission Impossible franchise or the new Agent Amazing franchise, you can’t go around putting all the best stuff in the first half of the franchise. What a waste!”

Action movie fans were excited to hear the news.

“Oh man, I love Melton’s movies so this is gonna be so dope. Really excited to suffer through the slog of the first four movies over the course of a decade and then finally get a really awesome fifth one that feels almost completely detached from the origin of the franchise,” said moviegoer Homer Nash. “A lot of filmmakers accidentally luck into having their first good movie in a franchise be the fourth or fifth one, but it’s truly inspired to do it on purpose. And then once it gets good, you can split those bad boys up into two or three parts and you’re printing money.”

“Obviously I haven’t seen it yet, but I really hope some of the characters from the first and second movies come back around the sixth and seventh movies in a way that is totally unrecognizable,” said critic Andy Boyle. “That’s where the craft really comes in. In the first movie, sure maybe that character is bland and boring to watch. But when they show up again for one scene ten years later? It’s like, holy shit. They remembered that it was in the movie! That’s very exciting to see.”

At press time, Warner Bros announced plans to remove the first four movies from whatever their streaming service will be called right before the release of the fifth Agent Amazing.

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