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Marvel Snap Best Move Decks Guide: Best Move Cards

Looking for the best move decks in Marvel Snap? The Move archetype is one of the most popular in Marvel Snap. Making your cards jump from location to location never gets old, and a slew of new cards has been introduced to help us do exactly that. 

Move decks aim to increase the power of their key cards by moving them to a different location, or by redistributing power to a different location to outwit the opponent. This makes these decks very fun to play, but tricky to build and pilot correctly. Here are our picks for the best Move decks in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snap Decks: Move Away

A very traditional move deck, this deck aims to take the best move cards and make full use  of them. Human Torch , Vulture and Dagger are all cards that want to be moved around, and gain power when they do. These are our key cards that generate power via our move effects. 

Cloak, Ghost-Spider, Iron Fist, and Doctor Strange are vital to trigger the effects of the above-mentioned cards, as they all move cards in unique ways.  Ghost Spider moves the last card played, while Doctor  Strange  pulls the strongest card to his location. Knowing which card  to move and where to move them is key to mastering this deck.

Wave and Aero let us control our opponent’s plays,  and manipulate which card they can play, as well as where to place their cards. Wave also allows us to play Heimdall on round five, which lets us play our most powerful card earlier. America Chavez rounds off this deck as a great high power play  if we do not draw our Heimdall, or do not have a better play to make. 

Move and Destroy Deck

One of the best Marvel Snap move decks utilizing Phoenix Force.

Thanks to the release of Phoenix Force, Move Decks are able to play in a more unique  way by incorporating destroy cards. Destroying a move card in this deck can be revived by playing Phoenix Force, and can then be moved to boost  its power. This lets us play a hybrid of the two archetypes, and include arguably the most fun Move card, Multiple Man.

Multiple Man leaves a copy of himself to his old location when he moves, letting us summon numerous clones of himself after destroying him and reviving him with Phoenix Force. This effect is even more potent in combination with Heimdall, letting us move the revived Multiple Man yet again on the last turn of the game.

To help support this gameplan, Carnage and Venom are key inclusions to ensure that we can reliably destroy a move card. Human Torch and Dagger are other great cards to destroy so that they can be moved later. In case we do not draw our destroy cards, we can play a more traditional Move deck and move cards like Vulture around use Iron Fist and Ghost Spider to buff their power, moving them to Kraven’s location to increase his power as well. Hulk Buster lets us increase the power of Human Torch and Multiple Man without taking up space, which is especially important when we move Multiple Man more than once. Heimdall and America Chavez act as round six plays to close out the game.

These are our pick for some of the best Move Decks to play in Marvel Snap. The archetype has been provided more depth thanks to the introduction of Phoenix Force and other move cards. Feel free to experiment and see what other Move decks you can create to dominate, especially when using some of the best series 3 cards.

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