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Marvel Snap Best Series 3 Cards: What Are the Best Pool 3 Cards?

Looking for the best Marvel Snap series 3 cards? Marvel Snap has an ever increasing number of cards, divided into distinctive pools. Series 3 cards can be obtained early in your card collection journey, and also allow you to explore the interesting deck archetypes Marvel Snap has to offer. You can get them by boosting your Collection Level, or by acquiring a mystery series 3 card in the token shop. The cards listed here are backbones of their respective archetypes, and allow you to make a variety of decks as a result of having this card in your collection. These are just a few of the best Pool 3 cards that you should acquire right when you’re able.

Wong (Best Series 3 Cards)

Wong, one of the best Series 3 cards in Marvel Snap.

Wong has an extremely powerful Ongoing effect. Any cards with On Reveal effects played at his location are doubled, letting you pull off crazy combos with cards like Ironheart and White Tiger. Wong lets you experiment with any card that has a powerful On Reveal effect and opens up deckbuilding to let you maximize this effect.


Lockjaw is another Series 3 card with a versatile effect. When a card is played at Lockjaw’s location, it is swapped for another card in the deck. This ability lets you make use of every card in your deck, as Lockjaw increases the chance of you seeing the card thanks to his swapping.

Although this effect now only triggers once per turn, it lets you put cheap cards such as Wasp back into your deck and replace them with a Hulk or Infinaut. This ability makes him a popular choice in one of the best Conquest meta decks, mostly when paired with High Evolutionary. Lockjaw can also allow you to potentially play a card more than once, by swapping it into the deck and letting you draw it again.

Mister Negative

Mister Negative has a unique and incredibly potent effect. When he is played, he swaps the power and cost of cards in your deck, letting you play impactful cards like Iron Man for free. This effect encourages a very different style of deck building, and lets you utilize your cards and deck very differently to any other archetype in Marvel Snap. Consider putting cards with low power but strong abilities in your deck, letting you make the most of Mister Negative’s effect.

Marvel Snap Best Series 3 Cards: Mystique

One of the strongest Pool 3 cards in Marvel Snap, Mystique.

Mystique is a very similar card to Wong, where instead of doubling On Reveal effects, she copies one of your card’s Ongoing effects to double an Ongoing ability. This lets you double up on any powerful Ongoing skill such as Iron Man’s or Wong’s. As in the case of Wong, doubling any effect is incredibly powerful and lets you create combos and game states that would be impossible otherwise.


Patriot is another Ongoing card with a unique deck. He gives +2 to cards without abilities, letting you boost the power of cards such as Misty Knight and the drones summoned by Ultron or Dr. Doom. This effect lets you reconsider the potential of cards without text, as well as potential cards that summon other cards without abilities. For instance, Debrii summons Rocks on the enemy side as well as yours, cluttering their side while Patriot boosts the power of the Rocks on your side.

Best Series 3 Cards in Marvel Snap – Sera

Sera, who is one of the best Series 3 cards in Marvel Snap.

Discounts are universally strong effects in card games, and Sera is no exception to the rule. She discounts all cards in your hand by one, as long as they do not cost one energy already. This effect lets you play multiple cards on the last turn of the game, or even on multiple turns if you are able to play her a turn early. This can surprise your opponent with the amount of power you are able to play, and lets you play out our entire hand if you build your deck correctly.

Magik – Best Pool 3 Cards

Magik is an interesting card, as she can be a benefit or a liability, depending on the situation you play her in. She changes a location to Limbo, giving you access to landmark manipulation. Her biggest boon is this location adding an extra turn to the game, giving you one more turn to win the game. This effect makes combos more reliable, as it gives you an extra draw on round seven and can also surprise your opponent. Be careful though, as this effect cannot be triggered on turn 6, and also gives your opponent a chance to come back on round seven if you have a strong lead.

These are some of the most powerful and unique Series 3 cards in Marvel Snap. However, there is no shortage of other Series 3 cards that can be used to good effect, such as Shuri and Doctor Doom. Consider other Pool 3 cards and what you can do to make the most of their effect. And while you’re here, check out some theorycrafted Jean Grey decks for the new July 2023 card.

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