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Lego Set Comes With Extra Pieces Just In Case 34 Year Old Can’t Follow Simple Instructions

CLEVELAND — Upon receiving the Seinfeld LEGO building set, 34-year-old Victor Idzelis was relieved to find that the kit came with extra pieces just in case he lost track of any of the brightly colored blocks typically meant for children.

“I can’t tell you what a relief it was,” remarked Idzelis. “Finding out that there were extra pieces made me a lot less worried about fumbling them and losing them on the floor, or worse yet, using them in the wrong step of the building process. I want Jerry’s apartment to look exactly like it does in the show, and thankfully if I lose my George, they included an extra one in here.”

Idzelis, a lifelong LEGO maniac, reflected on how LEGO’s products have changed over time.

“I remember one time when I was a kid, I lost one of the battle droids in the Phantom Menace set,” lamented Idelis. “And wouldn’t you know it, that was the only one in the box. I had to use my Easter money to re-buy the set just to have the extra droid, so it would have been nice if they included spares back then, but apparently not. Or maybe I just lost them both, I can be kind of forgetful like that sometimes.”

According to those familiar with the situation, LEGO purposely includes extra pieces for adult consumers.

“Let me be perfectly clear: LEGO is for children. But unfortunately, we have these adult customers we cannot shake. And that means we need to include a few extra protections for them,” said LEGO CEO Niels B. Christiansen. “These are grown men and women who are addicted to apps on their phones, who walk into rooms unsure why they walked into them, and who haven’t read a book since skimming one for an English class in college. LEGO instructions might as well be an ancient tome to them. They need our help.”

At press time, Idzelis was seen fumbling through the trash trying to find the instruction manual he mistakenly threw out.

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