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SCUM Update Patch Notes May 22

SCUM received a major patch on April 30, and these are the patch notes for subsequent hotfixes through May 22, in descending order, from latest to oldest:





SCUM – Hotfix 0.9.536.86452 May 22

Hey hey all! Might as well call us MJ of hotfixes because we got 6 of em at this point. Check it out!

  • Fixed the issue where magazine would be destroyed during reload animation causing a game crash.
  • Fixed the issue where fortifications would sometimes cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where #VisualizeVehicleTrajectory command could cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where database would show errors regarding chest acquisition.
  • Fixed the issue where throwing grenades in events could cause a client crash.
  • Potential fix for the super loud nocturnal wildlife SFX.
  • Fixed the issue where abandoned bunker armory lockers would not properly reset loot.


  • Tweaked vehicle storage collision, giving them more wiggle room to fit in garages.
  • Objects that are not affected by gravity can now be spawned with #spawnitem command +/-10m in regards of ground level.
  • Key cards no longer spawn in abandoned bunker armory lockers.



SCUM – Hotfix 0.9.535.85943 May 10

5th day of the week for a 5th hotfix, it's like poetry, it rhymes. New Hotfix is live!

  • Fixed the issue where SDASS ADS would glitch out in some cases.
  • Fixed the issue where floor blueprints would turn red after adjacent blueprint was finished.
  • Fixed a chest duplication bug.
  • Fixed the issue where improvised workbench icon would not show in crafting menu.


  • Small vehicle storage racks will take less physical collision damage while mounted on bikes and bicycles.
  • Improved Police station HTZ puppet respawning.


Known issue:

Chests could count as more BB elements. Temp solution: in your flag area put chests in your hands and place them back on the ground.



SCUM – Hotfix 0.9.534.85819 May 8

Hey everyone, got a couple of goodies for you. We gathered a couple of fixes for yet another hotfix! Check it out!

  • Fixed the issue where heavy chests disappeared when taken in hands from vehicles.
  • Fixed the issue where moving a chest in a vehicle while on BB foundation, would destroy the foundation.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not place a foundation next to an upgraded wall.
  • Fixed the issue where compound bow aim would not zoom when fully drawn.
  • Fixed the issue where chests placed inside flag areas would sometimes give server errors.
  • Fixed the issue where server would crash on shutdown.
  • Fixed the issue where players could not drive big rafts if someone is already mounted on them.
  • Fixed the issue where admin drones could not see BB element health.
  • Fixed the issue where admin drones could not destroy some BB elements.
  • Fixed some item incorrect descriptions and icons.
  • Fixed the issue where chests would stay afloat in air if BB element was destroyed below them in SP.


  • Canned items can no longer spawn with less than maximum uses.



SCUM – Hotfix 0.9.533.85678 May 3

Hey folks, end of the week does not mean an early weekend for us. So here is yet another hotfix with the most critical issues, check it out!

  • Fixed the issue where rafts not in water would be falsely flagged as flying.
  • Fixed the issue where equipping items directly from small vehicle storage would make them dissapear.
  • Fixed the issue where vehicles would fall under raid protection when inside flag area.
  • Fixed the issue where chests would not be raid protected if built before the flag was placed.
  • Fixed the issue where chests would increase active BB elements on restart.
  • Fixed the issue where chests placed on foundation could sometimes cause a server crash.


Known issues:

  • Quickly pulling chests out and in of car inventory could cause them to disappear. To minimize this issue, slowly take chests one by one out until properly fixed.
  • Chests show maximum 65kg weight while in containers. If the chest has more than 80kg, on take in hands action it will get stuck in the middle of the vehicle. To avoid this, put it on the floor first until properly fixed.
  • Sometimes chests that are put in vehicle inventory while being on foundations will break the foundations.



SCUM – Hotfix 0.9.532.85622 May 2

Hey everyone! We're keeping a close eye on the valuable feedback you're giving us, which is why we're delivering another quick hotfix. We're looking into some other things that were mentioned and we'd like to kindly ask for a bit of your patience until we manage to adequately sort them out.

  • Fixed the issue where the prisoner could be locked in combat mode after dropping ranged weapons.
  • Fixed the issue where base building walls sometimes could not be placed on inclined terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to install the vehicle inventory expansion attachment in service mode on other vehicles than Rager.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to put the Dirtbike on the Car Jack when it is missing the rear wheel.
  • Fixed an issue where dropping items to the vicinity from the vehicle inventory would not work when the vehicle has an inventory expansion attachment installed.
  • Fixed an issue where the passenger camera would change to a smaller FOV when the vehicle is going really fast.
  • Fixed an issue with the collision of the big raft inventory expansion.
  • Fixed an issue where the owner of a base building element wasn't properly shown in drone mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the prisoner would randomly T-pose when mounting a big raft passenger slot.
  • Vehicle inventory expansion collisions are now disabled when there is no vehicle inventory expansion installed.
  • Fixed an issue where entering the raft option from the context menu would not execute correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with the bunny slippers panini in first person.
  • Fixed and issue where base building elements and the grill grid would not interact properly.
  • Fixed the issue where dropping chests from vehicles would destroy BB elements.


  • Flying vehicle cheat detection will now kick the player instead of banning them.
  • Adjusted the drift of the SUP and the Small Raft when moving forward with each paddle cycle.


  • Implemented puppet health multiplier server setting.
The setting will be located under the [World] section of the server settings. With this setting, players will have the option to globally modify the health of the puppets. Also, this setting will not require a server restart for it to take effect as the setting dynamically modifies the health of puppets on the server and multiplies it with the value that you set. Here's some more info on the range of the values for it:
Default value - 1.0
Min. value - 0.01
Max. value - 100.0
Quick note - the default health values for various puppet types stay the same. This means that muscular/heavy puppets will always have more health in comparison with the skinny puppets, regardless of the multiplier that you set.
Also, suicide puppets will be affected by the health modification, so make sure to take that into account in order to avoid any surprises.


Known bugs

  • Items equipped directly from small storage rack will disappear. Make sure to take them out first.
  • Locks disappear from prefab buildings on relog in Singleplayer.



SCUM – Hotfix 0.9.531.85517 May 1

Hey everyone, we are releasing a small emergency hotfix regarding fatal errors and crashes, so update your game all! Also all players affected with the false ban have been unbanned.

  • Fixed the issue where selling vehicle expansions while attached to vehicles would cause a server crash.
  • Fixed the issue where repairing vehicle parts through vicinity icon would cause a client crash.
  • Fixed the issues where bicycles could be logged incorrectly in the flying vehicle log.


Note: Selling inventory attachments will only be possible from service lift for now.


Those are all the patch notes through May 22 for SCUM.

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