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The 25 Most Honorable Ways to Give Your Life for Super Earth in Helldivers 2

There are no dishonorable deaths in the never-ending fight to preserve our way of life and manage democracy across the galaxy, but some deaths are more honorable than others.  All of the footage and images you are about to see below were captured by real Helldivers on the battlefield. Some video quality has been lost through the transmission process, but the lessons they impart are still clear. 

#25 – Standing Directly Beneath the Pelican as It Lands

Are you so eager to flee the battlefield, soldier? Frankly, we think this miserable excuse for a Helldiver deserved their fate. Our Pelican pilots are under enough stress without having to worry if an errant Helldiver has decided the best place to wait for evac is waiting to be flattened like a Terminid hit by an ICBM underneath.

#24 – Killed by Resupplies

Here we see a Helldiver turned into a fine mist of blood and viscera, and their torso spat from the top of the Hellpod like a gore covered Pez. Remember, keep one eye on the enemy, and the other on any incoming orbital supply drops. 

#23 – Running Into an Open Pit

Some soldiers are so eager to make it to the fight they fail to see what is right in front of their own eyes.  This soldier’s dying thought? “How could I have let Super Earth down like this?” 

#22 – Taking A Swim

Save the pool party for shore leave, soldier! Attempting to swim in any set of Helldiver armor is a recipe for disaster. We should all be so lucky to have a companion who plants one between our eyes before alien water fills our lungs. 

#21 – Walking In Front Of Your Own Sentry Gun

The sentry gun, like any tool, is only as effective as the person using it. In this case it was effective in mowing down bugs and filling this Helldiver full of more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.

#20 – Cooking Your Grenade Too Long

Like a nice steak, overcooking your grenade will only end in pain. In those instances you do need to time your throw just say these three words “Liberty, Freedom, Democracy” then toss it in the face of the enemy being liberated.


#19 – Stepping On Your Own Landmine

Incendiary mines are a great way to slow the advance of the Terminid horde, but if you aren’t careful you’ll be the one lighting up like a marshmallow that got too close to the campfire. 

#18 – Jump Packing Into An Open Pit

We get it, soldier. You just unlocked the jump pack and are eager to land feet first in the middle of a pack of Terminid scum, but if you aren’t careful you might just fall into a bottomless pit. Ending your life and wasting Super Earth’s defense budget in the process.

#17 – Unknown Circumstances

Sometimes death is inevitable. The circumstances inscrutable. However, this is not one of those times. Keep your bearings at all times otherwise you might find your appendages being thrown across the landscape like a handful of candy at the Super Earth Liberty Day Parade.

#16 – Getting Too Close To The Native Plant Life 

Remember, on these alien worlds it isn’t just the bugs and cyborgs who are trying to kill you, everyone you know, and make the galaxy a haven for liberty hating bugs. The plants are in on it too. Tread carefully or you might find yourself in the same situation as this unfortunate Helldiver.

#15 – Getting Hit By Your Own Grenade Launcher Round

The GL-21 grenade launcher is a deadly and effective piece of military hardware, when used correctly. In the clip above we can see a Helldiver who in a moment of panic fired at near point-blank range. Not only leaving the Automaton largely unscathed, but turning themselves into a “some assembly required” children’s toy in the process.

#14 – Lighting Yourself on Fire With the Flamethrower

Garth Brooks once sang that life is not tried, it’s merely survived when you’re standing outside the fire, but as you can clearly see the Helldiver in the clip above took those lyrics meaning to be literal and for that they paid the ultimate price.  

#13 – Stepping On A Contact Mine

The automatons hate us and our way of life. As such, they have spent countless hours perfecting advanced weaponry designed to rip through Helldiver flesh and armor like a soft, stinky cheese. They also will place explosive mines on the ground for unobservant Helldivers to walk right over and turn into a cloud of fleshy confetti. 

#12 – Meteor Strike

That ain’t no spotlight. Sometimes the greatest threat on the battlefield isn’t a bug or a cyborg, but the heavens themselves. It might feel like the universe itself is trying to stand in your way from protecting our way of life, but with a watchful eye you can avoid a fate similar to this Helldiver.

#11 – Fighting An Annihilator Tank 1v1

The effort is appreciated, Helldiver, but light arms are no match for the Annihilator Tank. Next time try calling in some air support or reinforcing your dead teammate. In the time this soldier spent firing bullets that were no more to the Annihilator than a gnat buzzing in its ear a precision orbital strike could have delivered a fiery dose of freedom.

#10 – Napalmed by Your Own Teammate

Always be mindful of your allies placement on the battlefield before calling in air support. Napalm doesn’t know the difference between a Terminid and a securer of liberty. 

#9 – Forgetting Which Button Shoots Missles On The Mech

After the liberation of Tien Kwan full-scale production of the mech suits could begin. Which meant that Helldivers all over the warfront gained access to this state of the art liberating machine. One important thing to note: The left trigger fires missiles. The Helldiver in this clip clearly did not read the manual, and as a result wasted both themselves and an expensive piece of military hardware.

#8 – Firing An Anti Tank Missile At Point-Blank Range

When the automatons are pinning you down the urge to fire heavy weaponry in a hurry can be overwhelming. But stand your ground and give yourself plenty of room, otherwise you might join the automatons in creating a slurry of blood and scrap metal.

#7 – Reinforcing A Teammate

When you’re in the thick of a Terminid swarm, calling down an ally before clearing the area or at least making a temporary retreat the results are never pretty. Take in your surroundings, make sure you aren’t about to become a charger’s lunch, and then call in reinforcements.

#6 – Getting Too Close To An Airstrike

Our orbital ships helpfully beam highly visible lasers marking where an airstrike is about to take place. Stand too close and this might happen to you. This Helldiver thought they were delivering a delicious cup of liber-tea, but ended up liberating themselves from living instead. 

#5 – Chain Sawed Into Small Pieces

Staring down the enemy without wavering is an admirable thing. Staring down the enemy then allowing yourself to be turned into the window display at a butcher shop is something else entirely. 


#4 – Distracting A Bile Titan So Your Team Can Make It To Evac

No your device isn’t malfunctioning, this is the last photo taken of this brave Helldiver before she was ripped to pieces by a Bile Titan. Her comrades in arms made it to evac where the Bile Titan quickly caught up and made easy work of them. A pointless but honorable sacrifice.

#3 – One Punched By Robot

Here we see a Helldiver facing down a cyborg admirably, but critically wielding the wrong equipment. This is one round of Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots they had no hope of winning. 

#2 – Saluting Too Close to the 500KG Bomb

Nothing stirs the emotions of a patriotic Super Earth citizen like seeing our democratizing munitions in action. It’s enough to overtake the most stoic of Helldivers and inspire them to stand at attention while sweet liberty is delivered in the form of a 500KG bomb. Just remember to not stand too close. 

#1 Saluting Too Close To The ICBM

If there is a sight more beautiful to a Helldiver’s eye than the 500 Kilo bomb, it’s could only be the ICBM. There’s no more effective weapon in Super Earth’s arsenal at delivering peace and prosperity than this one. If you find yourself in a position similar to the soldier depicted above we’ll understand if you can’t help but stand close by and salute while shedding a few liberty soaked tears. 



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