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Sisyphus Finally Unlocks Gold Boulder Cosmetic

TARTARUS — After untold centuries of grinding, Sisyphus’s divine punishment was briefly alleviated this week after the Greek King of Ephyra finally unlocked the gold boulder cosmetic, sources report.

“It feels so worth it,” said Sisyphus, muscles gleaming with sweat and centuries of dried blood as he braced his back against the shiny gold boulder. “I’ve been rolling this damn rock up the hill for thousands of years, ever since Zeus hit me with the ban hammer for team killing and cheats. Since then I’ve logged hundreds of hours on this hill, and it’s about time I got something nice in return for my hard work. If you haven’t noticed, I’m kinda carrying here. The Titans are spectating cucks. Typhon has no comms. I’m up here soloing this shit. The very least I deserve is a tacky cosmetic that lets everyone know I have no meaningful social life and my self-esteem is in the gutter.”

“Oh yeah, sometimes I catch them staring,” continued Sisyphus, referring to the hundred-armed Hecatonchires, the abyssal dungeon’s guards. “I think they’re jealous of my boulder. It looks so freakin’ good now with that skin. I could push it for another hundred years and still be tweaking. Can you imagine that? Sisyphus, happy?”

Other prisoners of Tartarus expressed frustration, however, saying they were less than pleased with the look of Sisyphus’s newly equipped cosmetic.

“That’s the ugliest shit I ever seen,” said Tantalus, who faces punishment for cutting up his son, boiling him, and serving him as food to the Gods, among other unsportsmanlike conduct. “Look, I won’t pretend Tartarus is lacking in eyesores. It’s not Olympus down here. Most mornings, I can’t enjoy my unreachable fruit and forever-receding water without taking in some new abomination. Tityos stretched out like a pancake. Phlegyas entombed and starved before an eternal feast. Ixion tied to a winged flaming wheel in the sky just for trying to cop a feel. We’re all slaves to the grind down here, but that doesn’t mean we tolerate bad taste. As for my boulder, I prefer the base look. It’s classic.”

When asked to comment on Sisyphus, Zeus, the undisputed King of the Gods, was forced to admit the situation had gotten out of hand.

“He keeps asking me if I have a ‘roadmap’ for when he’s going to get new hills and boulders,” said Zeus, a God known for his radical views on unprotected sex with mortal women. “I keep saying ‘soon, soon’, but honestly? I’m swamped. Demigods don’t sire themselves, plus the wife’s always on my ass. The gold skin was my only idea, and it was supposed to be a joke. The worst part is I can’t even smite him anymore, because he likes it. He moans and praises the extra difficulty, saying ‘The real Sisyphus starts here’. I’ve told him—repeatedly—that he’s free to go, but the son of a bitch won’t leave. ‘After this roll,’ he says, and ‘One more roll.’ Gods, I want to kill him, but the bastard’s already dead.”

“I never should have made the boulder feedback so snappy and tactile,” mused Zeus. “Next time, I’ll just do the birds and liver bit. That hasn’t failed me yet.”

At press time, Zeus had announced a new Boulder Pass reward system that would come to Tartarus next season, which will allow prisoners to grind for new cosmetics, sprays, and punishments, with the “When In Rome” pack available upon completion as a free reskin of every God.

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