DES MOINES, Iowa — Local content creator Seth Baskin, known online as “PikminPNG” is bursting onto the scene and he claims he’s very excited to get to the point where he can begin inappropriately messaging his female viewers.
Baskin, who is 35 with a wife and kids, spoke to local news about his goals as a content creator.
“You know that’s what this is really all about at the end of the day. “What’s the point of having an online following if I can’t take advantage of women who like my content? Sure sponsorships and connections are nice and I guess having a community has its perks but all of that pales in comparison to the opportunity to manipulate women into sending me nudes. Why do you think I chose to base my online identity around Pikmin? To attract the cute innocent types, duh.”
Internet historian James W. Tallybush said that not only is it not uncommon for male content creators to get into the business for this purpose but it’s actually the norm.
“When most people get into content creation it usually comes down to one of three reasons. They want to get internet famous in order to quit the real world, they just need a creative outlet, or, the most frequent motivator which is to obtain a position that allows them to manipulate and take advantage of women. From Dr. Disrespect to even supposed nice guys like Chuggaconroy, no matter what content they make, or what their persona is, they are in it solely to use their status to inappropriately solicit women. Sometimes underage ones. It’s become such a proven method that even well known individuals from other industries such as Drake have begun copying it.”
Veteran content creator PlayerNamedGus, who recently retired and deleted all his content amid various allegations of creepy behavior, wished PikminPNG best of luck in achieving his goal.
“PikminPNG seems like a great guy with a wonderful family and I’m sure he’s gonna make an excellent groomer once his brand becomes big enough. I have no doubt he’ll reach his goal and obtain a great deal of female viewers to take advantage of. It’s just nice to see a fresh face who’s hungry to get in there and shake up the creepy dm scene. It really is a right of passage for us male creators. My days of hugging the ladies over the airwaves may be over but I’m happy to pass the torch.”
At press time, PikminPNG refuted claims that it’s morally wrong for him to inappropriately solicit female members of his community, insisting “I deserve it, I’m a man”.