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Missing Gamer Found Safe After Parent’s House Guests Finally Leave

LONG ISLAND, N.Y. — Peter Barone, the local gamer who went missing earlier today was finally found safe after his parent’s house guests finally left. 

Police Chief Tony Bauer announced the good news at a press conference held outside Barone’s parents’ house where the 32-year-old gamer resides. 

“Mr. Barone was found safe this afternoon when he emerged from his bedroom almost immediately after the guests his parents had over had left. Paramedics checked him and while they found him to have severely bloodshot eyes and traces of Baja Blast in his bloodstream he is going to make a full recovery as soon as his mother makes him lunch.”

Peter recounted his harrowing experience. 

“I was in my room getting some early morning Destiny reps in. Then all of a sudden I hear the front door open and I hear my parents talking to some people. Then it dawned on me that some people had come over.  I just froze. I didn’t know what to do. I knew I couldn’t just go down and talk to them. Then I’d get stuck in an adult conversation where they’d ask how my life is going. I kept waiting for them to leave but it just never happened.  I was stranded in my room. I was so hungry but all I had was some flat Baja Blast from the night before. I’m lucky to be alive.”

Barone’s parents Brad and Patricia are glad their ordeal is over and happy to have their son back.

“It was the most stressful few hours of my life,” said Patricia. “No parent should have to go through what we did. I went into Peter’s room around 8:30 to tell him that I made him some eggs for breakfast. He said he’d be down as soon as he was finished with his game. Then our friends Lee and Stan dropped by and I noticed Peter never came down for his food which isn’t like him so I knew something was wrong. We had a nice time with Lee and Stan and they probably didn’t notice anything wrong but deep on the inside I was panicking.”

“I was kinda hoping he had gone out for once, maybe to find a girlfriend or something. It was a little disappointing to hear he was just in his room the whole time,” explained Brad.

At press time, Peter is currently safe playing video games in his room, although there was a brief scare when Brad started speaking to a salesman at the door.

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