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I Played Every Hero in Marvel Rivals and Forgot to Pick up my Kids From School: My Review of the Game and Also Child Protective Services

Hey guys! It’s ya boy MrLMFAOMayo here to tell you guys about my experience checking out Marvel Rivals over the first month of release. Also for a little bit of a bonus I’m gonna mention my brief sojourn to my local Child Protective Services building, which may have been related to me forgetting to pick up my kids while i was gaming all day to bring you the best Marvel Rivals coverage this side of the interwebs, let’s jump into it gang!

So right off the bat I know what you’re all wondering “Is this game basically Overwatch with Marvel characters?” and while it does have a lot of similarities, I think it does differ in a few ways. I mean keeping track of the objective is still a big part of the game, I found myself a couple of times forgetting to stay on the payload both in and out of the game.

Like for instance when playing a flanker like Moon Knight it’s easy to forget to stay on the point to get the capture. Just like while deep in a Rivals gaming sesh it’s super easy to forget to pickup the payload that is your kids and bring them back home safely. But these are just basic mistakes anyone can make and you shouldn’t feel too bad about it, no matter how much that bitch Linda down at CPS yells at you about it!

Like with all games though it’s really most important that you’re having fun. So make sure you play around a bit and try out every character. You’re gonna want to make sure you don’t get too attached right away cuz you never know when someone is gonna instalock Winter Soldier if he’s your main.

Just like how you never know when your ex wife is gonna swoop in and take your kids away and call you an irresponsible man child and a failure and threaten to never let you see them again. The point is, it’s good to have options! Maybe tryout the Punisher for a game or have some new kids! Just give it some thought.

Now I know you guys are probably gonna want some advice on the META on this game and frankly in my opinion it’s still kinda changing. Right now Iron Fist is still the most troublesome to play against in most 1 on 1 fights so if you can get good with him I recommend it. You’ll definitely attract a lot of toxicity in chat though.

Kinda like when my kids talk about their mom’s new boyfriend Kyle all the time. Much like Iron Fist punching you in the face repeatedly, the thought of Kyle banging my wife is constantly being pummeled into my head and for sure causing a lot of tunneling and even tilting as a dad on my part.

So yeah I guess in conclusion I’d say if you haven’t picked the game up go ahead, I’ll for sure try and keep you guys updated with my thoughts on future updates if I can. May be a bit of a gap between videos if I can’t beat this child neglect charge but I think I’ll be okay. My Lawyer is like Cloak and Dagger, adaptable and annoying as hell.

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