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Heartbreaking: This Immigrant Plumber Was a Doctor in His Home Country

Meet Mario Mario, a local plumber who immigrated to the United States in the early 1980’s. While his regular blue collar plumbing job puts food on the table for his large family, the heartbreaking truth of his life is that back in home country, he was a doctor specializing in experimental medicine. 

Mario’s story went viral this week, when he explained his situation in a video with a very moving testimony.

“Let’s-a go! Mario time! Wahoo!” Mario said. “My family was poor and a-broken after the immigration. President Reagan was indifferent to the plight of immigrants and was busy serving the a-wealthy elite, and I had to a-buy clothes and food for my wife, brother, and a-dinosaur. Wahoo! While medicine was my passion, America isn’t exactly the a-land of opportunity I was a-promised. I am not ashamed of my a-plumbing, I do my job with pride, but I long for the days I spent in a lab coat. Oh yeah!”

Mario’s brother Luigi Mario explained what his brother’s sacrifice meant to his family.

“He still talks about his time as a doctor,” Luigi said, tearing up. “It’s just not fair. When you’re an immigrant, nobody cares about your life or your story. They just want you to shut your mouth, step on turtles, and kill big lizard monsters. I am so grateful that my brother would do this for people like me and the 30 tiny mushroom people we live with.”

Mario’s incredibly somber tale has certainly taken its emotional toll, with the doctor turned plumber finding it harder and harder to look in the mirror and say “It’s-a me.”

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