FAIR OAKS, Calif. — California governor Gavin Newsom hosted Mecha Hitler on the latest episode of his “This is Gavin Newsom” podcast.
The California governor’s new show has featured several conservative personalities including Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon, but this is the first time Governor Newsom has spoken to someone of the mechanical Fuhrer’s stature.
“We won’t get anywhere as a nation if we don’t engage with people we might disagree with,” Gov. Newsom said in response to critics. “I’m willing to listen to and agree with any talking points I think may help my political ambitions, up to and including opinions espoused by Mecha Hitler. Who really isn’t such a bad guy once you get to know him.”
The Californian governor has been accused of betraying the trans community and legitimizing right wing extremists, and that by engaging with them he is either being incredibly naive or acting out of a sense of self preservation in the wake of a second Trump Administration. Gov. Newsom doesn’t see it that way though, as he elaborated on during his interview with Mecha Hitler. An excerpt of the interview can be read below.
“A lot of people are upset I’m even speaking with you,” Gov. Newsom told the Fuhrer. “Just because we’re talking. Can you believe that?”
“Nein,” Mecha Hitler replied. “Ze so called ‘tolerant left’ in your country vould be ze first ones I sent to ze camps.”
“I wholeheartedly agree! If we want to succeed as a nation it means talking to if not fully embracing our political adversaries and adopting whichever of their views my consultants tell me will be most beneficial in the next general election. Even if it means—yes—exterminating every trans person. When your group only makes up .6% of the populace you are expendable: Simple as that. And .6%, that’s a drop in the bucket compared to Real Americans. Would you agree, mein Fuhrer?”
“Ja, the transgender menace must be eliminated, along vith the Juden.”
“While I’m hesitant to say all Jews should be exterminated, I do think we could find some middle ground with those who don’t support Israel and their right to defend itself. Hell, I’ll line them against the wall myself if it means a shot at the Oval Office.”
“On zis, we agree.” Mecha Hitler concluded.
Hakeem Jeffries and other top Democrats were reached for comment but were preoccupied doing nothing in particular.
At press time, Gavin Newsom had announced his next guest would be the ghost of Henry Kissinger.