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Christopher Judge Begins Speech Ahead of Tomorrow’s Game Awards Ceremony

LOS ANGELES — American actor Christopher Judge has already started delivering his Game Awards speech ahead of this Thursday’s ceremony, sources close to the actor have confirmed.

“After the overwhelmingly positive reception to Christopher’s oration last year, he’s been so excited to get on that stage again and work his magic,” said Judge’s agent and close personal friend Douglas Zucker. “He’s been learning circular breathing and has an IV drip hidden in his jacket just to ensure he can do this justice, that’s how much he cares.”

The show’s organizers were on-site to discuss the accommodations made in order to fit the Stargate SG-1 actor’s monologue into three-hour ceremony

“When we invited Mr. Judge to present the award for Best Performance, we asked him if he had any idea of just how long he would need to do his preamble, and from his ominous response of ‘to measure a poem in stanzas robs it of its beauty’, we knew we were going to have to make some changes,” said Game Awards producer Sydney Welsh.

“So we got Christopher on the first flight to LA, and stood him on the stage about a week ago. He seems pretty happy up there, and his voice seems to be calming the tech crew whilst they’re setting up.”

Sitting in the Peacock Theater, a visibly shaken Geoff Keighley assured press the show should be able to continue on as planned.

“Obviously this is a little unorthodox, and it has made rehearsals near impossible,” said Keighley, just out of earshot of Judge who was talking on-stage throughout our report. “But we all have such an immense respect for Christopher and his work that we feel it’s best to let him get whatever he needs off his chest. His muscular, terrifying chest.”

Judge was unavailable for additional comment, as he was already giving his speech.

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