The Nintendo Switch has been around for a few years now, but you only have so much time in your life to play all of its amazing games. Just looking at the way things have been shaping up lately, there’s really no time like the present, is there? So here are 5 Switch games you just need to play before you die, because, you know, that’s probably gonna happen for all of us pretty soon!
5 – Super Mario Bros. 35
Remember all the fun you had as a kid playing Super Mario Bros. on the NES? Well, now you can play against 34 other people on all of those classic stages in Super Mario Bros. 35! It’s a great twist on a classic formula and a terrifying preview of the way future global resource scarcity will pit us against our fellow man. The only downside is that Nintendo is going to get rid of the game next March, but life is fleeting! What else is new?
4 – Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise
This game is reminiscent of Twin Peaks and also has skateboarding elements – two aesthetic touchstones that are sure to remind any 90’s kids out there of simpler times when the world seemed full of hope! With its unique plot and setting in New Orleans right before Katrina, Deadly Premonition 2 is a great game and a somber reminder that people sometimes forget that tragedy is always right around the corner
3 – Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Here’s a fun game where you can control your life and make a perfect little oasis just for yourself in case you’re one of the millions of people in the world craving something, anything you can have control over. Sure, you might end up having to coexist with some annoying villagers, but we don’t always get what we expect in this life, do we?
2 – To The Moon
If you prefer indie games, To The Moon is a charming, emotional journey. It’s about these two doctor’s going into the memories of a dying man…actually, you know what, maybe let’s just skip this one.
1 – Dragon Quest III
I know how hard it is to accept reality, but just take a look at Dragon Quest III. Remember how young you were when you first played it as a child? Back then it was called Dragon Warrior III. You would play all afternoon until it got dark and then mom would call you down for supper…but that was so long ago. Play through Dragon Quest III again on the Nintendo Switch if you want, but cherish every precious moment.