We have all been there. Spawning at the shores of Chernarus as a freshie with only a t-shirt, pants and a peach. After a while of wandering in desperation you’ll meet another survivor. Yay! This is going to be so much easier from now on. Together we are going to be strong and survive through this hell. And just like that, the dirty little rat shoots you in the face and you are dead.
That bitter feeling for trusting your life to a complete stranger starts eating you from the inside. You swear you will never trust anyone in this game again. With a black heart you press respawn. From here on out you are going to kill every survivor that gets in your way.
OK stop right there buddy! One does simply not walk into Chernarus and kill a bunch of survivors in the hopes of precious loot and sweet revenge. You have to be one step ahead. Make them trust you and then pull the trigger. Oh, and you definitely are going to need a headset for this. So go get one because here’s 10 best ways to betray your new friends on DayZ:
10) At the Shores of Chernarus

How to get a friend in DayZ official servers is pretty basic stuff. Wait at the shore for someone to spawn, use your headset and say, “Hey come here, I’ll have some food for you, I’m here to help, you can trust me.” Talk a while and go through houses together. Best way to build trust is to give the freshie something to eat and then shoot the freshie in the face.
Freshies don’t usually have much loot with them, but you’ll still be able to harvest the sweet taste of betrayal when you execute one. But remember they will respawn and try to get revenge! So be prepared. If you do encounter them again. Just use a different voice. I usually go with three voices. My normal one, Tony Bennet impression, and a weird funny guy voice, but that usually blows my cover.
9) The Cabin

Meet a freshie and tell them that you know where the legendary airport is. Of course you are leading them to your cabin of horrors somewhere east in the woods. Along the way you have bonded over Rush albums or some other crap like Tarkovsky films.
When near the cabin, tell them to go check that one out back for supplies. Inside they will find a lot of loot from other dead survivors you have just killed. Right at the moment when they say “What is this?!” shoot them in the back of their head. Or better yet… use a screwdriver. Nasty!
8) Veterans of Chernarus

The veterans of this game are the toughest to kill but they have the best loot. There are some that like to help freshies so it’s totally possible to kill them. First of all you have to build trust with them for many hours, even weeks. Everyone makes mistakes and in this game one mistake is a death sentence.
After talking for weeks about your totally relatable but made up personal life, you have now gained some level of trust. So when you again start yapping about your problems at work and they let their guard down to comfort you, take the shot and make it count.
7) Abandonment

OK so you got a new friend in DayZ. Easy! Now become a super duper friend and give them everything you have and help them in every situation possible. Tell them cool stories about how you survived the airport and all that.
Then after a while during some random moment on a field take the “suicide pose” and say “Thanks a lot asshole” and pull the trigger. They will never be the same. They’ll probably start playing “Stardew Valley” and never come back. The emotional damage is just too much to bear. Good riddance!
6) Make Them Laugh

You know what is a great way to have friends? Humor! Just try to make the other survivor laugh. They start to think you are not taking all this surviving stuff that seriously. But you are.
When they are in tears from that joke about your dyslexia, beat them up with a baseball bat you found just one minute ago. While you are at it, say: “Oh did I read you wrong? It’s not funny anymore?”
5) Is That a Raincoat?

You are together inside a house waiting for the storm to end. You have a raincoat on and your buddy has just a suit he found somewhere. You ask your buddy “You like Huey Lewis and The News?” and he probably says something like “Um, they’re OK.”
Then you go into this rather lengthy monologue about their discography. Your buddy asks “Is that a raincoat?” and you say “Yes it is.” Right after you have enlightened your survivor friend with “Hip To Be Square” and its superior lyrics, you take out your axe and butcher your buddy right there.
Try to find canned food around Chernarus now!
4) Triangle
If you find 2 survivors that are buddies, start a friendship with them. At some point send a private message to one of them where you explain that the other one just sent you a message for teaming up to kill the other one.
Kill one then the other. This is like ballet here. If you miss a step, you are the one who is getting wasted. So be ready at all times. Focus on the performance and you will do just fine.
3) Tie em up

So this one is a bit tricky but you’ll get there! Find a survivor, team up, become friends and then beat them with a farming hoe until they are unconscious. When you knock someone unconscious you have the ability to tie them up. So do it with a rope, handcuffs, etc and wait for them to wake up.
At this moment start telling them how you used to be a freshie just like them and wanted to have friends. But as it turned out, the world does not care about people with good hearts. People who blindly trust others are the ones who will get hurt in the end. The world is a cruel place and you are here to give justice. They might start blabbering that they have a team somewhere who are waiting for them. But it’s all lies at this point. Time to kill.
2) Base building

After being friends for a year you probably have built a base together. Some solid fortress in the middle of nowhere full of food and supplies. You have built this system where one guards the base with a sniper rifle while the other one goes out on runs for food.
At this point you have a reserve for one year of supplies for two people. Or two years supplies for one person. Get my equation Oppenheimer? Wait until it’s your turn to guard and then through the scope of the rifle watch as your soon to be dead “friend” gets a bullet in the head. Enjoy yelling in the party chat for a few minutes before leaving victorious.
1) Liar

You think you’re gonna live your life alone, in darkness and seclusion. Yeah, I know. You’ve been out there, tried to mix with those zombies and it just left you full of humiliated confusion.
So you stagger back to the shore and wait for nothing. But the solitary nature of Chernarus coast spits you back out onto the street and now you’re desperate and in need of another survivor contact.
And then you meet me. I’ll give you some salty sticks and talk about things going on in my life. When you are kneeling down to that water pump to drink some water. I’ll smack the shit out of you with my shovel. You wanna know why? Because I’m a liar.
See you in DayZ!