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Top 5 Foods to Cook on Your Steam Deck

The Steam Deck is one of the biggest breakthroughs in gaming hardware in years. As if it couldn’t do enough already, many have discovered the incredible temperatures the Linux based portable console is capable of reaching, making it one of the most sought after kitchen gadgets in years as well. Move over air fryers, the Steam Deck is backwards compatible with your refrigerator!

Here are the top 5 foods to cook on your Steam Deck. 

#5 — Popcorn

When it’s time to turn off the Steam Deck and fire up a movie, go ahead and use it to pop your popcorn before you do! Just lay the bag on the system, fire up any triple a game, and in a few minutes you should have a delicious snack! 

#4 — Top Ramen

Congratulations on affording a Steam Deck! If you were able to pull that off, odds are good that a fun new way to cook Ramen should be right up your alley. Be sure to put your Steam Deck in the freezer for 45 minutes after this to cool it off, otherwise it might get seriously damaged. 

#3 — Veggie chicken sandwich on ciabatta w/provolone and greens

This is just what I had for lunch today. It turned out pretty good, but it took a really long time and didn’t heat the sandwich all the way through. More of a party trick than anything, but it definitely works! 

#2 — Coffee

Now, the Steam Deck won’t actually BREW your coffee so maybe this is cheating a little bit, but do you know what? It takes a long time to cook a chicken sandwich on your Steam Deck, and I just don’t do it that often. What happens all day, however, is I leave a coffee sitting around and it cools down. Room temperature coffee is so gross, but if you just fire up your Steam Deck and plop your coffee on there, it will heat it up enough to give your morning coffee the recharge it needs! 

#1 — Egg

This can get messy, so maybe don’t worry about frying eggs on your Steam Deck until you’ve been cooking on it for a while. However, the notion of a system that can play new games, retro games, run Linux, and cook your breakfast? Well, needless to say, the Switch is officially dead.

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