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Redditor Asking for Game Recommendations Told to Lawyer Up and Get a Divorce

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Local Redditor Grant Wall was reportedly told to “lawyer up and get a divorce” by hundreds of people on a subreddit after asking for advice on which indie game to purchase next, according to those familiar with the situation. 

“I just wanted to know which indie games are worth the price tag. I’m not even sure how people figured out I’m married, but I guess they looked through my post history or something,” Wall explained. “But they  brought up a lot of good points. Maybe I am being cheated on by my wife! I don’t know. Seems like if I don’t act now, she’s going to divorce me and take all my money and possessions… and then I won’t even have time to play Wildermyth, which looks great, by the way! Glad that so many people recommended I check it out in the thread.”

According to close sources, the thread was filled with life advice for Wall, including from many who established immediately that they are not professionals, but willing to give their opinion.

“Not a therapist, but just the way you’re asking which indie game is worth buying leads me to believe you are being emotionally abused by your wife or girlfriend,” said the top comment on the thread. “You should really look into why you seem unsure about what genres you enjoy, and who is manipulating you into talking like this.”

“Not a lawyer, but I looked through your post history and the situation you outlined with your landlord in a comment three years ago seems particularly relevant here,” said another comment. “You’re definitely going to want to make sure you have the proper representation once you purchase Deathloop, because there will be noise complaints.”

“Not a doctor, but based on your comment, I think you have testicular cancer,” said a third comment. “You should go to the hospital immediately, you probably have less than 24 hours to live otherwise. Just my two cents.”

At press time, a screenshot of Wall’s Reddit question was posted to Twitter, followed by hundreds of comments suggesting his wife “throw the whole man away” along with a gif of Norm MacDonald being thrown into a dumpster.

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