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Sixth Night at Freddy’s Pretty Uneventful

ELK GROVE, CA — Jerry Patinski, a newly hired security guard at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in downtown Elk Grove, reported that after a stressful first five days on the night shift, “not much happened” on the sixth night. 

“I started on a Monday, and hoo boy, Monday through Friday were filled with spooky happenin’s, let me tell you,” stated Patinski in an interview with Best of Elk Grove, a local daytime show that promotes local businesses, “Saturday, though? Pretty much a breeze. I barely had to look at them cameras. I actually got a few chapters of my new novel done. It’s about my Mom’s favorite bicycle growin’ up.”

Though the hosts followed up his statement by asking what spooky happenings occurred, Patinski seemed more interested in talking about how calm and low-stress the sixth night at Freddy’s was.

“Oh yeah, there was a whole thing with these robots, but listen,” at this point in the interview, Patinski leaned in closer to the hosts, as though he was letting them in on a secret, “You ever want to really find yourself? Just spend a few hours in your own head. I’ve got a whole book up here (Patinski here pointed at his own head) and it’s all about my Mom’s Schwinn. I know you’re thinkin’, ‘Jerry, ya can’t write a whole book about a bicycle,’ but nah, nah, that’s what they told Frank Herbert before he wrote a book about sand.”

Paul Tricoli, one of the hosts of Best of Elk Grove, wrote about the interview on X that evening.

“I apologize to the management at Freddy Fazbear’s for the interview with Mr. Patinski. He kept alluding to something really frightening happening at Freddy Fazbear’s, but he wouldn’t go into it,” wrote Tricoli, “I think he thought he was helping promote Freddy Fazbear’s and giving us some insight into the behind-the-scenes work that goes into working a themed restaurant. But I really wish he hadn’t kept casually mentioning that something terrible happened the first five nights, especially since he just would not get into the specifics.”

“His book sounds great, though,” Tricoli followed up in a later tweet, “I’ll be sure to plug it when it goes up on Amazon.”

Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza on Main Street in Elk Grove is open Monday through Saturday, 8 AM to 11 PM. 

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