After getting a taste of that sweet sweet movie tie-in cashola with the Mario movie, Nintendo has decided to sell out and go full Hollywood by announcing a new live-action Zelda movie. Casting for this film will be tough, especially when it comes to everyone’s favorite handsome little smooth boy Link. Here’s our top 5 dream link actors based on how much of an elvish twink they are.
5. Timothee Chalamet

If you look up twink in the dictionary, Timothee is being given a swirly by the guy they picked to be twink in the dictionary. He is the beta twink (which is the alpha in twink speak). He also has tons of pointy features like an elf. The only problem is his hair is too dark and there’s no way he could pull off being blonde.
4. Tom Holland

Try as he might, Tom Holland is a twink and always will be. He’ll be in his 80s and still read as a 16-year-old boy who no one respects, which is perfect for Link, who has saved the world a billion times and still has to do everyone else’s chores. The only problem is Tom Holland has taken a break from acting to focus on staring at himself in the mirror until he grows a beard.
3. Leonardo DiCaprio

The elder twink. The thinking man’s twink. A rugged, refined twink. Leo would make a great Link, especially in an Ocarina of Time type story where they travel back and forth in time. You could tell it’s young Link because Leo doesn’t have a five o’clock shadow and it’s older Link because he does have a five o’clock shadow. Filmmaking is really easy, guys!
2. Chris Evans as Scrawny Little Steve Rogers

There might be some legal loopholes they’d have to jump through to make this happen but the Twink-levels are off the charts.
1. Harry Styles

Mr. We Have David Bowie At Home has all the makings of a perfect Link: small, handsome and great on screen as long as he doesn’t talk.