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“Tom Cruise Insisted on Doing All of the Film’s Stunts” — Everything We Know About ‘Gran Turismo’

The cinematic adaptation of long running driving simulation video game series Gran Turismo premieres on August 8th. We thought we’d help you get geared up for the film’s release with this list of things we know about it so far. Cars have gears! That’s why I said that!

Orlando Bloom will play a man that’s slowly transforming into a Ford Focus

With a big grotesque spoiler on the back of his neck by the end and everything. 

Tom Cruise insisted on doing all the film’s stunts

Despite his exclusion from the film’s cast, Tom Cruise reportedly came by the set on multiple occasions and performed dangerous stunts for free, before running away while loudly insisting nobody thanked him. 

Exciting promotions for gamers

If you bring your PlayStation controller to the movie theater, they will let you into Gran Turismo for free.

From the director of ‘District 9’

No one is sure why he waited 14 years to release a follow-up movie, but we’re excited nonetheless!

Running time of over 5 hours

Fans of the game have said this isn’t a big deal to them. Frankly, they wish it was longer.

Cars do not transform into humanoid form


Due to the SAG-AFTRA strike, this car will have to handle all promotional duties

“It cannot do that,” said director Neill Blomkamp, when notified of Gran Turismo’s modified press tour. “It is a car.”

Expected to break records

There are like, so many records. I’m sure this will get something. Biggest August opening for a movie based on a video game or something. Congrats I guess.

Based on a true story

Gran Turismo tells the awe-inspiring underdog tale of a studio with an IP they wanted to turn into a profitable movie during a crowded summer.

Movie will begin with extensive portrayals of drivers acquiring different licenses

Critics at early screenings describe the first 30 minutes, which extensively cover the main character performing various parking tests, as “boring, but absolutely necessary to the rest of the film.”


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