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All 86 Mainline Mega Man Bosses Ranked by How Good of a Roommate I Think They’d Be

43. Air Man (Mega Man 2)

Air Man is overall a pretty okay roommate, except he’s always getting up in the middle of the night to watch some stupid soccer match from Europe or some shit. And do you think he’s quiet when he does it?

42. Ring Man (Mega Man 4) 

Ring Man’s solid. Keeps a pretty steady routine, cleans up after himself. He’s just a little absent minded. The worst thing about living together is at least once a week you’ll wake to a knock on your bedroom door with him asking, “Hey, have you seen my rings anywhere?”

41. Impact Man (Mega Man 11)

His construction career means Impact Man can totally hook you up with a job, but he really, really needs everyone to keep it down since he goes to bed at 8:00PM every night, so that’s a drag. Also, since he has two big pokey things where his hands should be, he is incapable of helping out with the dishes.

40. Bubble Man (Mega Man 2)

Bubble Man is a good guy, but he doesn’t move around so well when he’s not underwater, so get ready to hear him complain about that a lot. Also, I hope you like Avatar, ‘cause that’s all this dude wants to watch.

39. Skull Man (Mega Man 4) 

Ugh, we get it man. You’re really into skulls. Living with Skull Man is constantly arguing about how much stuff he gets to hang up in the living room. It gets old really quick. Skull Man really needs to grow up and start thinking about how he can be a better roommate if you ask me. 

38. Shadow Man (Mega Man 3)

I actually know Shadow Man a little bit and he’s a pretty okay guy. I don’t think he’d fuck you over or anything, but he will definitely spend too much time talking about how he almost beat Mega Man that one time. Not the end of the world, but come on, man. No one believes you.

37. Stone Man (Mega Man 5)

Stone Man seems like a nice guy, but he’s never said a word in his life. People that used to live with him said he’s fine, but just get used to getting handed notes with messages like “Bar later?” and “Stone Man broke another plate” all day.

36. Pump Man (Mega Man 10)

Pump Man is modeled after an old water pump. Frankly, this guy is a little old to have roommates. It’s sketchy. On the bright side, however, this dude is always on time, pays his share, and keeps a very clean home.

35. Clown Man (Mega Man 8) 

This might seem kind of fun, but this man is a clown all the time. Just remember that. Nine months into the lease, when the novelty has worn off, do you really want to rely on a clown to help shovel the driveway when it snows?

34. Strike Man (Mega Man 10) 

Baseball roommates are fine. Strike Man goes to work, pays his bills, and might day drink once in a while depending on what games are on. Maybe not ideal, but a solid roommate.

33. Crystal Man (Mega Man 5)

Crystal Man is fiiiine, he’s just really into his crystal ball and doing tarot readings and stuff. But he does it all in his room, so honestly that’s cool.

32. Guts Man (Mega Man)

Not as gross as his name implies, Guts Man is just a strong dude that’ll kindly help you move your bed upstairs. He’s a really nice guy, but he will clog the toilet once a week.

31. Magma Man (Mega Man 9)

Another one of these flame-y ones. Magma Man’s ironically solid, as well as the only one of these guys that doesn’t act like you’re being an asshole when you ask him to cover the exposed flame that burns eternally atop his head. Like, come on guys.

30. Galaxy Man (Mega Man 9)

Galaxy Man is a great roommate. Barely ever home, and when he is he’ll smoke weed with you and talk about all the crazy shit he’s seen. And let me tell you, Galaxy Man has some fucked up stories!

29. Ice Man (Mega Man)

Ice Man is a good guy and really just appreciates being kept involved with everything the gang is doing. Is pretty cool about letting you cool your drinks on him, too!

28. Wood Man (Mega Man 2)

Wood Man smokes more weed than anyone you’ve ever met in your life. He’s a very cool roommate, you just have to remind him about stuff an extra time or two.

27. Nitro Man (Mega Man 10)

Nitro Man would be a fantastic roommate. He’s got a lot of money from his days of doing stunt work on TV shows and movies. He’s super cool about taking you to work and stuff too, since he’s practically just a motorcycle. It’s also nice that he would never use the bathroom because that stuff all just comes out of his exhaust when he’s driving places.

26. Magnet Man (Mega Man 3)

You know, back in the 80s and 90s, Magnet Man had a hard time finding roommates because a magnet the size of a man would fuck up people’s cassette and VHS tape collections. It’s an unfair reputation, because with that concern out of the way, Magnet Man is actually a pretty decent roommate! His son comes and stays with him every other weekend, for what it’s worth.

25. Solar Man (Mega Man 10) 

Solar Man is a lot like Fire Man, in that they have an open flame on top of their head at all times. I discussed before how this kind of thing makes people a little worried, and I get it, but Solar Man is the man. He’ll light cigarettes and cook hot dogs for you no problem, and he doesn’t make a big deal about it if you ask him questions about the flame. He’s just generally really cool about it.

24. Needle Man (Mega Man 3)

Needle Man stays in his bedroom most of the time, which is fine by us! We’re all worried about his girlfriend, though. She looks sick.

23. Concrete Man (Mega Man 9)

Concrete Man is a pretty ideal roommate in a lot of ways. He keeps to himself, gets up early to go to work, and hardly ever has company. He might space out and use your toothbrush to detail himself once in a while, but he swears that’s an innocent mistake.

22. Bright Man (Mega Man 4)

In addition to all the variations on fire and ice, there’s also like a half dozen electricity themed Robot Masters. Some veer on the dangerous side, but Bright Man is kind of just a guy that can light up if you need him to. It’s not everyday that it’s gonna help out, but if your power ever goes out, you’ll be like “Oh shit, I’m so glad I live with Bright Man.”

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