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15 Little Known Facts About Super Mario World

Released in 1991, Super Mario World is not only the best selling Super Nintendo game of all time, it also remains one of the most positively reviewed titles in the medium’s history. Speed runners and documentarians have mined the game for content to an absurd degree, but the game’s depth means that many of its secrets still remain largely unknown to the public. Here are 15 little known (but very provable) facts about Super Mario World! 

#1 — It has been released 47 times

Including the SNES, the Wii Virtual Console, the Switch Online service, the WiiU Virtual Console, the Game Boy Advance re-release, and probably some variation on this every five years until the end of The Information Age. 

#2 — Star Road was originally an upside down star path that guided players to Hell. 

The plan was scrapped after similarities with the upcoming PC game DOOM were discovered

#3 — The game’s iconic giant Bullet Bill inspired Mitt Romney to get into politics

“It really opened my eyes to what I value in life,” said the former Presidential candidate, who would enter politics in 1993.  

#4 — There was originally much debate among players whether the item on Yoshi’s back was a saddle or shell 

It’s actually Mario’s seat cushion which “hurts Yoshi’s back a lot,” confirmed legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto.

#5 — Chargin’ Chuck was the product of over three weeks of motion capture work done by Chris Spielman of the Detroit Lions. 

When asked about his involvement, the former all-pro linebacker said the in-game results were “disappointing.” 

#6 — The game’s original plot concerned Mario’s wavering faith in Christ 

After initial feedback deemed the themes too intense, Super Mario Crisis of Faith was ultimately changed to Super Mario World. 

#7 — Bowser appeared only after his movie career didn’t take off as he’d hoped. 

After leaving the series to pursue film acting, Bowser returned to the franchise shortly after the lackluster opening of Loose Cannons, which saw him play the villain of the Gene Hackman/Dan Aykroyd buddy cop film. 


#8 — Mario’s cape ability was originally going to let him shoot lasers from his eyes 

Fearing friction from DC Comics for its similarity to Superman, Mario’s power was changed to a more generic one of flight. 

#9 — No one quite knows what’s going on in these rooms, it’s okay. 

Even we don’t know what’s going on,” said director Takashi Tezuka. “They were just in there one day and everyone assumed someone else did it. Quite disturbing. Quite disturbing indeed.” 

#10 — Mario’s spin jump maneuver inspired a young Tony Hawk to try spinning around while he skated 

“Before that I was just doing grabs and stuff,” the skateboard legend said. 

#11 — Yoshi was originally envisioned for one of the NES ‘Super Mario Bros’ games 

Developers have since revealed that they just weren’t ready to bring the iconic creature to life, and that they still had a lot of growing up to do back then. 

#12 — The game’s overworld map was loosely based* on San Jose, California. 


#13 — Elements of Yoshi were inspired by Shigeru Miyamoto’s father 

“He would eat every turtle he ever saw,” said the legendary designer. “That’s it, really.” 

#14 — The game received numerous accolades, including ‘Game of the Year’ from Nintendo Power magazine

However, Luigi lost the Best Supporting Actor award to Jack Palance in City Slickers. The award was largely seen as more of a recognition of Palance’s entire career than the best performance of the year.  Everyone says Luigi was totally cool about it. 

#15 — A movie adaptation was in the works 

Unfortunately, the plot and characters were so heavily revised, the finished product had to go with the more generic name of Jurassic Park.

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