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YouTuber Vaguely Gestures Around Where Relevant Video May or May Not Be

VICTORIA, BC – At sixteen minutes into his latest video, YouTuber Ryan James begins the dreaded ambiguous pointing around the top of the screen to get you to watch a video he has done about this same topic previously, not knowing what to call the button, or not even where the button is.

“If you want to know more about the treehouse we built in 2021, click over here,” said James, blindly flailing around the top third of the video frame, “I think… yea, I think over here?”

A long time phenomena since the feature was introduced in 2020, James is just the latest YouTuber to succumb to not knowing where the button is, what it’s name is, or how it works.

“It’s just called a fucking info card,” YouTube released in a statement, “We label the feature in the app, we tell people where the button is, but they just won’t fucking LISTEN.”

Despite YouTube’s direct message, there is still confusion about how to refer to the feature when speaking like a normal human being.

“I can’t call it a recommended video, that’s it’s own thing,” says Alvin Mills, a 23-year-old up-and-coming YouTuber. “It’s not a related video either, that’s what they call a Recommended Video that a company paid to be recommended, I just want my annotations back!”

Despite the feature being years old, and always being in the exact same spot the entire time, internet marketing researchers estimate YouTubers will collectively decide on how to refer to it by 2030, three years after researchers estimate YouTube will make the feature obsolete.

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