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Top 7 Podcasts for the 30 Second Walk to Take the Garbage Out

It’s that time of the day. You must distract yourself from the momentary mundaneness of a simple chore. That garbage bag filled to the brim you’ve been neglecting needs to be taken out, but you need to divert your focus from that stinky garbage. With more podcasts available than ever, it can be hard to decide which one to queue up for the task at hand. With that in mind, here is our guide to the top 7 podcasts for the 30 second walk to take the garbage out.

7) The Comedy Button – This is the perfect podcast for the momentary walk to take your garbage out. This podcast has been going on for nearly a decade, and the hosts jokes will only be funny if you have been listening since the get go. Well if you have, then the familiarity and inside jokes will successfully distract you from your dirty bag of garbage! And if you haven’t… well, you’ve got a long life of trash to take out ahead of you.

6) Dan Carlin’s Harcore History – 30 seconds is a perfect enough time to hear host Dan Carlin slowly deliver about ten words. Because hey, in those ten words, you may just learn something. 

5) 60 Second Science – Learn half of a science lesson with this handy podcast delivered directly to your ears. Although you won’t learn the entirety of the lesson just listening to half the episode, you’re still better off having stimulated your brain! Maybe if you listen to it on the way back as well you might get through a whole episode. 

4) Joel Osteen Podcast Distract yourself from the smelly trash in your hand and the having to open one to two doors with the teachings of the lord! Joel is an enthusiastic orator and has spread the good word of Jesus Christ across this great nation. Hard to imagine wanting to listen to him for more than 30 seconds, so this is a perfect garbage podcast. 

3) You Made It Weird Get through just one instance of Pete Holmes laughing at his own joke to distract yourself from the monotony of your daily chores alongside whichever spiritual advisor you won’t get to listen to in this podcast!

2) Inside Frozen II -This stellar audio experience takes you down a path of Disney enriched delight, very far away from the experience of hauling your turd-wrought bag of filth to the dumpster. Episodes are around a half hour, so each one ought to last about a year!

1) The New Yorker Radio Hour Get your daily dose of culture and political insight as you perform your stinkiest chore. 

Can’t allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts for even half a minute? Know any podcasts that are best for drowning out the silence? Let us know in the comments!

Check out the newest episode of the Hard Drive podcast where we watch and discuss every episode of 1989’s The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

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