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The 8 Best Ways to Grow Your Youtube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be a difficult task to pull off. Here are Hard Drive’s Official tips and tricks to growing your online media empire:

#8 — Sit Down on a Thumbtack

There’s no better way to make that iconic thumbnail face than sending a sharp pain radiating through your ass.

#7 — Be Jimmy Fallon

Nothing builds a tight-knit online community like already having one of the biggest talk shows on television.

#6 — Kill Off More Prominent YouTubers

Any YouTuber worth their salt will tell you that you can’t get onto the trending tab without getting your hands dirty.

#5 — Cater to a Specific Audience

Making content for a niche group of people on YouTube can gain you droves of subscribers, whether you decide to be a white supremacist Minecraft channel, a white supremacist Call of Duty channel, or even just a Fortnite channel that thinks the white race is under attack.

#4 — Apology Videos

Sorrow is one of the most lucrative human emotions.

#3 — Blah Blah Engagement Blah Blah Demographics

Something like that.

#2 — Blame All Shortcomings or Outbursts on Your Mental Health

Before you criticize this tip for being exploitative or inconsiderate, please remember that we have anxiety.

#1 — Create Original, Personal Content That Both Entertains as Well as Informs

Haha, no but seriously. Just start some drama or something,

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