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Ryan Reynolds Swears He Has No Memory of Holding Up Novelty T-Shirt in Facebook Ad

LOS ANGELES — Actor Ryan Renolds was reportedly worried about his mental health when he came across a photo of him on social media holding up a kitschy t-shirt featuring the Pokemon Pikachu humping Deadpool’s leg.

“I am very choosy about the products I promote and I have no recollection of pushing this t-shirt,” Reynolds said during a joint presser for his gin and mobile service. “I got so worried that I went to the doctor and had a cognitive function test and an MRI done. Everything came back fine, but when the hell did I pose for this picture and why didn’t anyone tell me my hands look so pale and wrinkled?”

Wendell Fletcher, owner and designer of Deez Teez, swears that Renolds posed for the promotional photo.

“We had a gentleman’s agreement,” Fletcher said while screen printing a drawing of Baby Yoda smoking a blunt. “I ran up to him at the premier for 6 Underground and showed him the shirt. He literally said, ‘This is the funniest shirt I have ever seen and I would be happy to pose for a photo with me holding it up for you to use for advertising in perpetuity in whatever medium you see fit without compensation.’ Those were his exact words.”

Marketing expert Gretchen Porter has noticed this trend of forgetful celebrities selling stolen intellectual property. 

“From Patrick Stewart to Hajime Isayama, celebrities seem to be entering fugue states when asked to pose for a photo with novelty t-shirts,” Porter said. “But we have the photographic evidence right there so there is very little, legally, that they can do. Maybe Mr. Reynolds should lead a less extravagant lifestyle so he doesn’t have to hock these knockoff products. Emilia Clarke claims to have never posed with a pornographic ‘Winter Is Cumming’ shirt but she’s just playing coy.”

Reynolds, however, distinctly remembers agreeing to promote the to-scale Deadpool body pillow and stands by that decision.

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