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NBC Announces 2021 Fall Lineup Will Just Be 2003 Fall Lineup

LOS ANGELES — A public demonstration of their upcoming fall slate of shows has revealed that NBC’s 2021 fall lineup will exactly mirror their 2003 schedule.  

“We didn’t set out to do this exactly, but well, here we are,” said George Cheeks, president of NBC Entertainment, shortly after debuting the wave of kind-of new shows. “We had a lot of these in the works for a while, the Frasier reboot, the Friends reunion, The West Wing reunion, you get the idea. I got an email one day from the guy that played Ed on Ed, and it just said ‘Reboot Y/N?’ and I said ‘Sure, why the hell not?’ Next thing I know they’re telling me we’ve fully rebooted 2003’s programming every single night of the week. I can’t believe it.”

The exact replication of the ‘03 season excited many fans that were familiar with NBC’s programs from 18 years ago. 

“Oh thank god,” said Cindy Stapleton, a self described avid TV watcher.  “The last thing I want to do this September is have to get into a bunch of new shows and characters. Please just keep feeding me the same shit that I remember, and if you could maybe think about releasing them all at once so I can just bang them out over a weekend and forget about them, that’d be great.”

The presentation, which included announcements of reboots of popular series such as ER, Fear Factor, and yeah, that’s right, Ed, set off a wave of celebrations from both fandoms and casts alike. 

“We were all so thrilled when we got the call,” said Julianna Margulies, a member of ER’s sprawling ensemble. “Well, not that surprised, because I think they’re rebooting every TV show in sight at the moment, but I guess I wasn’t expecting them to call. I guess I thought it would be an email. Hey, I’m also hosting The Apprentice and there’s even some talk of me popping up in the rebooted Will & Grace reboot that they cancelled last year, but we haven’t announced anything official yet. Act surprised when we do.”

As of press time, the cast of Law and Order: SVU remained in production on their 23rd season and didn’t see what everyone was freaking out about.

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