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Here’s All 290 Star Wars Movies Officially in Production Right Now

If you are having trouble following all of the Star Wars movies coming out, no one can blame you… there’s so damn many! Here’s a helpful list of all the Star Wars films currently in production by Disney Studios.


  1. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
  2. Episode 9 (2019)
  3. Obi Wan Prequel (2020)
  4. Beru: The Story of Young Aunt Beru (2021)
  5. Jar Jar’s Dad: The Untold Story of Mor Mor Binks (2022)
  6. Nute Gunray: A Star Wars Story (2023)
  7. Gonk: The Musical (2024)
  8. Sy Snootles: A Snar Wars Sntory (2025)
  9. The Death Stick Diaries (2026)
  10. Untitled Wes Anderson Star Wars Starring Owen Wilson (2027)
  11. Spaceballs 2: The Quest for More Money (2028)
  12. Windu: A Motherfuckin’ Star Wars Story (2029)
  13. Actually Mr. McCool’s my Father: Call Me Droopy McCool (2030)
  14. Ewoks: The Battle for Endor 2 (2031)
  15. Moisture Farmers’ Almanac (2032)
  16. Untitled Johnny Mnemonic Crossover (2033)
  17. What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Seat on the Council and Rank of Master (2034)
  18. Sheev Palpatine: How I Became The Senate (2035)
  19. The Story of Darth Plagueis the Wise (2036)
  20. Star Wars 2: Electric Boogaloo (2037)
  21. Star Wars: Viva Los Vader (2038)
  22. Untitled Spinoff About 3 of the 5 Puppeteers For Jabba The Hutt (2039)
  23. Han Shot First A Second Time Too (2040)
  24. Ewoks: a Life After Religion (2041)
  25. Natural Cloned Killers (2042)
  26. Han Shot JFK (2043)
  27. The Mandalorian’s Mandolin: A Star Wars Musical (2044)
  28. Captain Corelli’s Mandaloria (2045)
  29. The Stars And The Warious (2046)
  30. Jar Jar’s List (2047)
  31. Herding Nerf (2048)
  32. A Muppet Star Wars (2049)
  33. Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käs (2049)
  34. Trevor! The Hardcore Rancor (2050)
  35. Did Anyone Say Star Wars Tokyo Drift Yet? (2051)
  36. KISS VS. The Phantom Menace (2052)
  37. Fuck it: A New Hope Reboot Starring Zac Efron and The Rock (2053)
  38. Star Wars: Operation Raccoon City (2054)
  39. Ewoks After Dark (2055)
  40. Star Wars: The Atari Game: The Movie! (2056)
  41. Episode XI: A New Hope IV (2057)
  42. The Last Jedi 2: The Finaling (2058)
  43. Star Wars Begins (2059)
  44. Baby Solo: A Solo Star Wars Story (2060)
  45. Toshi Station: a Kevin Smith film (2061)
  46. The Adventures of CGI Princess Leia (2062)
  47. The Force Awakens: We Felt Bad And Let George Lucas Tinker Around With It Edition (2063)
  48. Porkins Chronicles (2064)
  49. 12 Years A Slave On Tatooine (2065)
  50. Star Wars: What If Yoda Was A Girl (2066)
  51. Willennium Falcon (2067)
  52. Boba Driver (2068)
  53. Darth Maul: The Top Half (2069)
  54. Darth Maul: The Bottom Half (2070)
  55. Some Pig Creature With A Sword We Haven’t Named Yet: A Star Wars Story (2071)
  56. Star Wars: A Kingdom Hearts Movie (2072)
  57. R2D2 And C3PO Are Dead (2073)
  58. Father! (2074)
  59. The Secret Life of Mynocks (2075)
  60. Chewbacca Meets the Xenomorph (2076)
  61. R2D2: Battle Bot (2077)
  62. Hutt: The Story of Jabba (2078)
  63. Maul: Naboo’s Most Wanted (2079)
  64. Princess: Based On A Novel By Sapphire (2080)
  65. Rancornado (2081)
  66. Jar Jar 1972 A.D (2082)
  67. Jawas (Like Jaws, You Get It) (2083)
  68. I Spit On Your Sarlacc (2084)
  69. Don’t be a menace to mos eisley while drinkin ya blue milk in the hood (2085)
  70. Reservoir Porgs (2086)
  71. Podracer: Tatooine Drift (2087)
  72. Friday The Episode XIIIth (2088)
  73. The Force Is The Force Of Course, Of Course (2089)
  74. The Last Jedi On The Left (2090)
  75. Clash of the Taun Tauns (2091)
  76. My Two Suns (2092)
  77. Ramsay’s Cantina Nightmares (2093)
  78. The Cantina Band Star in “All That Jizz” (2094)
  79. Manchester by The Sarlacc (2095)
  80. Star War: Because Technically It’s Only Ever Been One Long, Convoluted War (2096)
  81. Colt 45: A Lando Calrissian Star Wars Story (2097)
  82. Star Wars: The Introduction of a Jeff Bridges Character (2098)
  83. Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars 2: Electric Boogaloo (2099)
  84. Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un Defeats Westernized Space Rebels (2100)
  85. Ernest Goes to Crait (2101)
  86. 3 Hours of George Lucas Panting Angrily and Tearing up Photos of Kylo Ren (2102)
  87. Untitled George Lucas Comeback Film (2103)
  88. Watto’s Bar Mitzvahs (2104)
  89. It’s a Wrap: Remembering Ackbar [Documentary] (2105)
  90. Yoda’s First Poop (2106)
  91. A Good Day to Die Star Wars (2107)
  92. Fuck It, Here’s Dwayne The Rock Johnson: A Star Wars “Story” (2108)
  93. Khan: a Star Wars Story (2109)
  94. Podracerhead, directed by David Lynch (2110)
  95. Willow 2 (2112)
  96. Star Wars: A New Hope but with Rush’s “Tom Sawyer” as Every Song in the Soundtrack (2112)
  97. Thrwingo Xxingo and the Stinky Pink Dingo (2113)
  98. George Lucas Talking Into a Camera About Red Tails In Front of a Green Screen Showing Space (2114)
  99. Ewok the Line (2115)
  100. Mon Mothma: Live, Uncut & Outrageous! (2116)
  101. This Ain’t Star Wars: A XXX Parody That’s Also Canon (2117)
  102. Salacious B. Crumb in Love (2118)
  103. The Mon Calamari Incident (2119)
  104. Solo 2: Still a Star Wars Story (2120)
  105. Piett, You Fool : A Star Wars Novel Turned Movie(2121)
  106. Dash Rendar and the Temple of Doom (2122)
  107. The Firstery Of Galacto Smixel Kuvsherry & The Wen Lodi Munselbaum Dynasty Kingdom (2123)
  108. Avengers: Secret Wars (2124)
  109. While You Were Frozen in Carbonite (2125)
  110. Midichlorians: a BBC Earth Miniseries (2136)
  111. Mr. Blue Guy: The Story of the Max Rebo Band (2137)
  112. Jango Fett Unchained (2138)
  113. Four Horns, No Mouths: The Cantina Band Story (2139)
  114. Just the Cutscenes From Shadows of the Empire (2140)
  115. Star Wars Episode 57: The Birth of Christ (2141)
  116. Holiday Special: remastered (2142)
  117. Jabba’s Palace Pig Guards: A Star Wars Story (2143)
  118. Gyoarg Lookaz: a Star Wars Story (2144)
  119. Guardians of the Galaxy 4: Jedis Are Totally In The Mix (2145)
  120. How It’s Made: Blue Milk (2146)
  121. Mon Mothma Prophecies (2147)
  122. Star Wars Original 1977 Cut: RELOADED (2148)
  123. Burn Out, Don’t Fade Away: The Nien Nunb Story (2149)
  124. Knights of the Old Republic: The Movie: A Star Wars Story That Disappoints on Two Fronts (2150)
  125. Rapid Cuts: a Star Wars Trailer The Movie (2151)
  126. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace But Each Character Is Replaced By Gungans (2152)
  127. Sithter Act 2: Back in the Habit (2153)
  128. There Is No End. This Is What We Have Become. You Have Done This: a Star Wars Story (2154)
  129. Let The Wookiee Win: A Holo-Chess Tale (2155)
  130. Star Wars Episode 33: J.J. Abrams Had a Few Free Hours (2156)
  131. Bothans, Droids, and Other Second Class Citizens in the Star Wars Universe (2157)
  132. I Am Not Your Nerfherder (2158)
  133. PFA: A Tale of the Legal Action Disney Had To Take After George Lucas Stood Outside Their Offices for Weeks Shouting “Do You Need Me to Make ‘Binks’ Now?” (2159)
  134. To Pimp a Jedi: a Space Opera (2160)
  135. Call Me By Your Rancor (2161)
  136. Jabba the Hutt and the New Years Resolution to Lose Weight (2162)
  137. Episode 45: The Rise of Arli$$ (2163)
  138. Sand. Just Sand for 3.5 Hours: A Star Wars Story (2164)
  139. Behind the Music: Cantina Band (2165)
  140. Bride of the Last Jedi (2166)
  141. Star Wars: The Next Generation (2167)
  142. Fuck You: Stair Wars (2168)
  143. Star Wars Episode CCCXXXVIII: Only XLIV More To Go (2169)
  144. 90 minutes of Michael Eisner Sexually Defiling your Childhood but it’s Okay Because he  Winks at the Camera and his Penis is a Jawa (2170)
  145. A Very Hanukkah Star Wars (2171)
  146. Star Wars: Technically Cloverfield (2172)
  147. 2 Star 2 Wars (2173)
  148. Star Wars: The College Years (2174)
  149. A Newer Hope (2175)
  150. Rogue One 3: The Reckoning (2176)
  151. Jeopardy: Star Wars! (2177)
  152. The Han That Rocks the Cradle (2178)
  153. Untitled Death Star Garbage Creature Trilogy (2179)
  154. Look At All These Fucking Porgis (Working Title) (2180)
  155. Star Wars: The Force’s Last First Jedi of The Empire (2181)
  156. Animal House But In Space (2182)
  157. Blompy (2183)
  158. Tiny Star Wars! (2184)
  159. Episode 420: wut uuuuuuuuup haha by Seth Rogen (2185)
  160. Star Wars: Jedi High School (2186)
  161. The Hutt Father (2187)
  162. Star Wars: The Peaceful Years (2189)
  163. Mon Mothma Bingo Party (2191)
  164. Fear And Loathing In Mos Eisley (2193)
  165. Wookiee Racers: The Fast & The Furriest (2194)
  166. Tyler Perry’s Madea Slaps Back: A Star Wars Story (2197)
  167. Episode 311: Amber is the Color of Your Energy (2180)
  168. Listen, We’re Broke: A Disney Story (2185)
  169. Episode 69: Nice (2190)
  170. Loose Change: Alderaan (2191)
  171. Star Wars: Cantina Band Camp (2195)
  172. Star Wars President’s Day Special (2204)
  173. Luke Skywalker: The Puberty Years (2205)
  174. Weekend at R2D2’s (2208)
  175. No More Star Wars: Why Disney Suddenly Stopped Making Movies (2234)
  176. C3P0 Comes Out: A Star Wars Short Film (2235)
  177. The Human Sarlacc (2240)
  178. Some Bullshit with Legos: STAR WARS (2242)
  179. BB-8 Mile: Rise of BB-Rabbit (2244)
  180. 95 Minutes of George Lucas Masturbating REMASTERED (2246)
  181. The Christmas Special Strikes Back: An Easter Special (2248)
  182. Dexter Jettster: A Star Wars Story (2250)
  183. Wookiee of the Year (2252)
  184. Star Wars: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the New, Even Bigger Death Star (2254)
  185. Indiana Jones and the Spaceship he Found That Took Off by Itself and Took Him into the Past (2256)
  186. How the Ewoks stole Life Day (2257)
  187. Star Wars: Ronald Reagan (2258)
  188. Freddy Vs Jason Vs Luke (2259)
  189. Ploo Koon and His Pet Raccoon (2260)
  190. Star Wars 2 The Space Streets (2261)
  191. The Shape of Water 2: Jar Jar Binks Fucks Leia (2262)
  192. Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes: Live In Vegas (2263)
  193. Million Dollar Youngling, starring Hillary Swank (2264)
  194. Eat, Pray, Lobot: Technically A Star Wars Story (2265)
  195. Thank You For Being Ackmena – Featuring a CGI Bea Arthur (2266)
  196. The Lando Before Time (2267)
  197. This Ticket Costs $19 Without Moviepass: A Star Wars Fuck You (2268)
  198. Thumb Wars (2269)
  199. Whatever It’s The Droids I Guess (2270)
  200. The one where Chandler and Joey make the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs (2271)
  201. Boss Nass v Boss Baby: Dawn of Gungans (2272)
  202. A Star Wars Movie Made By A Non-White-Male Person (2273)
  203. Midichlorians & You: A Coming Of Age Tale (2274)
  204. THE Star War (2275)
  205. Star Wars Episode 0: Anakin’s Parents Fucking (2276)
  206. A Rancor Eats And Shits Alex Jones For Two Hours (2277)
  207. Felicity (2278)
  208. How Supreme Leader Snoke Got His Groove Back (2279)
  209. Space Caligula (2280)
  210. Sex, Lies, & BB-8 (2281)
  211. My Dinner With Ackbar (2282)
  212. Alderaan And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2283)
  213. Porgasm! (2284)
  214. Cool Hand Luke: Star Wars Star Wars STAR WARS (2285)
  215. Trust Us There’s A Premise, But Who Cares You’ll See It Anyway: A Star Wars Story (2286)
  216. March Of The Nerfs (2287)
  217. Star Wars: The Credits (2288)
  218. Untitled Origin Story of Flying Yellow Letters (2289)
  219. Two Hours Of That One Scene Where The Stormtrooper Bumps His Head (2290)
  220. Steamed Hams But Its Kylo Ren Explaining To Snoke Why He Didn’t Kill Rey (2291)
  221. Star Wars: The Next Generation, but like the Degrassi one not the Star Trek one (2292)
  222. Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme Cinema Presents: The Pepsi Star Wars Christmas Spectacular Featuring Bruno Mars (2293)
  223. Star Wars Babies (2294)
  224. Young Sheldon in Space (2295)
  225. Firefly (2296)
  226. Look Who’s Beeping (2297)
  227. Look Who’s Beeping Now (2298)
  228. Uncle Owen’s Revenge (2299)
  229. Honey, I blew up the Death Star (2300)
  230. Kylo Leonard Part 6 (2301)
  231. Gone with the Mace Windu (2302)
  232. Untitled Movie Set in Jedi Ghost Planet Starring a Yoda Puppet (2303)
  233. Just Cameos: A Star Wars Story (2304)
  234. Super Mario Galaxy Far Far Away (2305)
  235. HighLando (2306)
  236. Black Snoke Moan (2307)
  237. Seven Samurai Except With Lasers or Something (2308)
  238. Alt Wars: The Empire’s Free Speech March (2309)
  239. Terrence Malick’s Milk of the Thala-Siren: Six Hour Director’s Cut (2310)
  240. Star Wars Meets The Minion (2311)
  241. Star Wars But Every Time They Say Force it Gets Faster (2312)
  242. Fantasia 2018 (entirely to the music from Star Wars) (2313)
  243. Disney Pixar’s Boomy, The Bomb Who Brought His Own Gravity (2314)
  244. Sebulba’s List (2315)
  245. Czar Wars Episode VI: Return of the Proletariat (2316)
  246. Star Wars: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (2317)
  247. Star Wars Episode 2.85: Birth By Sleep (2318)
  248. Star Wars 2001: A Super Mario Odyssey (2319)
  249. Where’s Watto? A Star Wars Story (2320)
  250. Oh My God, A New Hope Synced Up With Physical Graffiti (2321)
  251. Lego Star Wars Batman Boss Baby (2322)
  252. Star Wars Meets The Flintstones (2323)
  253. Porkins 2: The Next Day (2324)
  254. Star Wars: Viva Rock Vegas (2325)
  255. Emmanuelle on Endor (2326)
  256. Star Wars: PEW! PEW! PEW! (2327)
  257. American Pie Presents: Star Wars (2328)
  258. National Lampoon’s Han Wilder (Direct to DVD) (2329)
  259. The One Where Chewy Talks (2330)
  260. Star Wars: Stargate SG: 1 (2331)
  261. Stay On Target: The Davish Krail Story (2332)
  262. Jabba No Badda: De Wanna Wanga (2333)
  263. Farscape: The Peacekeeper Star Wars (2334)
  264. What About Boba Fett? (2335)
  265. Captain Phantasm (2336)
  266. Chewbacca’s Day Off (2337)
  267. Abbot & Costello Meet Count Dooku (2338)
  268. Star Wars: A Registered Trademark Of The Disney Corporation (2339)
  269. George Lucas’ Future Son Gets to Make a Star Wars (2340)
  270. Star Wars Presents: Fan Fiction Showcase (2341)
  271. It’s Raining Men, Metal and Mandalorians: The Aftermath Of The Death Star Explosion (2342)
  272. Episode 9: The Force Of The Fiddle (2343)
  273. Bowling For Coruscant (2344)
  274. Some Like it Hoth (2345)
  275. Star Wars: Championship Turbo Edition (2346)
  276. Doctor Who Vs. The Stormtroopers (2347)
  277. The Force Asleepens (2348)
  278. Good Shot, Janson: A Wedge Antilles Story (2349)
  279. Space Reservoir Dogs (2350)
  280. The Color Purple Lightsaber (2351)
  281. The Trouble With Porgs (2352)
  282. Star Wars But Everyone Rides Dragons (2353)
  283. Luke and Leah Get Bizzzay: A Classy Family Film (2354)
  284. The Spawn of Thrawn (2355)
  285. That Weird Al Song About Yoda, but We Made it It’s Own Claymation-Style Feature Film Directed by Tim Burton (2356)
  286. 200 Death Sticks (2357)
  287. The Scouring of Endor (2358)
  288. George Lucas’s “Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress” (2359)
  289. “I Know”: Marrying a Narcissist in a Galaxy Far Away: A Documentary Narrated by General Leia Organa (2360)
  290. Star Wars: Twelve (2361)
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