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Every Single Non-Canon Dragon Ball Character Ranked by Worthiness of Being Canonized

Yes, I actually did this.


50. Android #15
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android #13! (1992)

This guy…he’s a fun character and good lackey, but you just know he had to be turned purple to distract from his…somewhat retrograde design. But the fact is: he has more of a unique design and far more of a personality to speak of.

49. Android #13
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! (1992)

I think when us fans heard that there were androids #17-#20, and with the memory of Eighter in the original series, our minds flew with what the other androids were or what they looked like. This movie answered the question in, perhaps, one of the strangest ways possible, particularly in the dub, giving us a hillbilly trucker and his runnin’ buddies. Once again, the idea that androids capable of fighting alien demigods are just a thing that can be built is odd, but in a world where it’s already possible, you might as well bring out a few more.

48. North Kai’s Students
Dragon Ball Z: Episode 196

I just like the idea that King Kai’s done more than train three guys who became immediately irrelevant, plus Goku and Piccolo.

47. Gravy
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

This guy feels like a great character who’s the victim of being underwritten. As a heavy and a wizard, he represents an interesting dynamic between magick and brute strength reminiscent of someone like Moro, but unfortunately: he lacks a distinguishing personality or goal and is hitched to the fanfiction-like writing of Demigra.

46. Demigra

Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (2015)

Much as I personally enjoy the Dragon Ball Heroes/Xenoverse storylines that take various parts of the history we love and try to twist them around and use them to achieve godhood. Unfortunately, the reliance on past events and “hey, remember when!-” moments severely limits the kinds of stories that can be told with him.

45. Putine

Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

Having a personality and arc beyond “wanting power” and “failing to keep more power after getting it” is genuinely a rarity in this franchise, and Putine actually having more going on than a dynamite design actually puts her above her supposed ‘boss’ in terms of worthiness to be brought into the main show.

44. Caterby
Dragon Ball Z: Episode 196)

Weird character, bizarre powerset, absolutely unhinged tickle-fetish-I mean torture! Torture attack. Just make him real already. Make this nightmare real.

43. Maraikoh
Dragon Ball Z: Episode 197

I feel like “huge guys” used to be a bigger deal in Dragon Ball, and at a certain point, the height curve evened out to being pretty dull and same-y.

42. Chapuchai

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 196

Case in-point from the above entry: What this series needs, and what I think the Otherworld Tournament is genuinely great for, is characters with more body diversity, as well as ability. I think this short, speedy ass-kicker could slot right into any tournament and give the contestants a good time

41. Froug
Dragon Ball Z: Episode 197

I couldn’t put this guy any lower than this. I just feel like he’s into some weird shit, to say nothing of being the perfect example of the above two entries: able to change his size at-will and seemingly without a loss of power. Also just…look at him! Scientifically speaking, he belongs this high up.

40. Vidro
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

While I find it charming that they finally set up someone to be with, and stand up for, the ever-downtrodden Yamcha, I think the fact that’s the only thing most of the fandom talks about sells this woman short. Cool design, an actual personality, a great backstory, I think she could pop up tomorrow and be more than welcome.

39. Planet M2 and its Citizenry
Dragon Ball GT Episode 16

For as much as I love Dragon Ball, it’s very clear that once the creator(s) got into a rhythm, they didn’t really break out of it. A singular threat would arrive to challenge Goku and co. and while that threat would often have smaller ones to deal with, the threat of an entire world that wants to consume and convert all organic matter into machines would have been something entirely new and different. It could even give the supporting characters more to do than “shut up and wait for the saiyans to get better.” The fact that they have vague allusions to being whatever the equivalent to robotic eugenicists, even scrapping robots they deem “imperfect,” lends a great deal more to their villainy.

38. Grand Kai
Dragon Ball Z: Episode 195

This guy feels like he’s on an eternal pendulum, his fashion swinging back and forth between “retro-cool” and “retro-corny,” but beyond that: the franchise could use a step between Kai and Supreme Kai. He’s fun, he’s weird, he brings a lot to bear on the tone of the underworld being quirky and bizarre, and he genuinely feels like he’s already canon.

37. Omega Shenron
Dragon Ball GT: Episode 58

I actually think that, while this form is a half-decent upgrade to the character to give Goku an even bigger dragon to slay, he’s the least necessary part of his own story. He gets on the list because he’s technically a fusion, not a transformation, and he gets this high because I like the idea overall. But he seems surplus to requirements, ultimatley.

36. Fu
Dragon Ball Online (2011)

I like the version that comes off more like a weird, cosmically powerful fanboy than the one that’s a demon god behind far too much of the core story of Dragon Ball Heroes.

35. Bot-K58
Dragon Ball GT: Episode 22

Between his hot dance moves and obvious imperviousness to fear, combined with his incredible punch power, we’ve finally found someone worthy of taking on the gang at their strongest point.

34. Shroom
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

There’s a lot to say about a lack of edge being one of the first things non-canon Dragon Ball characters seem eager to correct. Not only does this guy wield a scythe AND have the moniker of “grim reaper,” not only is he a gleeful sadist who kills his own henchmen, but just LOOK AT HIM. He looks like if a Dragon Ball artist designed Vincent Valentine.

33. Minotia
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995)

He’s this high only because of his much cooler, more interesting brother. While that makes him sound like a Baldwin, the fact is: he’s also got a fun, cute look that doesn’t drive me nuts and relegate him to the kid’s table.

32. Hirudegarn

Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995)

This franchise could use more kaiju, and I think this one has one of the better designs. A horrifying, twisted, demonic horror monster, but at the size of a city-destroying beast.

31. Lagss
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

I like when a non-canon character references other non-canon characters, this lady being a survivor of Chilled’s rampage across the galaxy is a fantastic origin for this fabulously designed, awesomely powered warrior.

30. Borgos
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock, Father of Goku (1990)

So very close to canon status until the Super Broly movie rewrote the destruction of Planet Vegeta and wrote Bardock’s original crew out of existence. The “strong, silent type” was the bottom of the ladder, but overall: I think the crew was more interesting than not.

29. Shugesh
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock, Father of Goku (1990)

A little more of a rough edge than Borgos gets this guy another rung higher.

28. Tora
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock, Father of Goku (1990)

Bardock’s second in-command always seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders and a good mind for battle and tactics, as well as a fierce loyalty to his king and his commanding officer.

27. Fasha
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock, Father of Goku (1990)

It’s odd to me that in the OLDER version of Planet Vegeta, we see the women serving on the frontlines alongside the men, while the Super Broly movie seems to imply they’re…a bit more domestic, let’s say. I say justice for Fasha, let’s let the saiyans be a full race of warriors.

26. Tapion
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995)

A noble hero from a distant world with a badass sword that…he inexplicably gives to Kid Trunks, and somehow that’s the sword that Future Trunks has…? Complete and utter nonsense of that aside, he’s well-designed without being over-designed, he has a brooding, tragic backstory but clearly has a soft spot motivated by missing his lost brother. And we don’t have enough weapons-users in Dragon Ball, he’s got it all.

And of COURSE he’s not related to Crono, why would you even think that?

25. Mechiakabura
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

The big bad of the fanfiction-like world of Dragon Ball Heroes, there’s a lot to love about this guy. A genuinely unique design, a novel motivation and plot, and a legion of the most underutilized race from all of Dragon Ball: the denizens of the Demon Realm. After the likes of Moro and Granolah, and after the Super Heroes movie became more about the androids and Cell MAX, Dragon Ball has been missing a real mastermind with a real, threatening army for some time.

24. Tokitoki
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (2015)

An owl that hatches time from his eggs is the perfect kind of weirdness that I love seeing the higher you climb in the ranks of god-beings in Dragon Ball. To say nothing of the fact that he’s a male that lays eggs.

23. Pikkon
Dragon Ball Z: Episode 195

This nonmekian is so close to being canon, we can all almost taste it. Featured first as Goku’s worthy rival in the Otherworld Tournament, he returned to help the Saiyan duo put away Janemba during the Fusion Reborn movie. It’s not so much that he’s an excellent character, but he’s a good one with an excellent design and very dynamic move set. Frankly, when we’re dealing with Dragon Ball, that’s all it really takes.

22. Hearts
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

This guy is high up as he is because he undergoes an actual arc and has a motivation I can get behind. Similar to Lucifer: he just wants mortals free from the yoke of the gods that could destroy them completely by accident. Does he go too far? Of course, he’s a villain! But he turns around and grows, and also: that fur-lined coat. C’mon now. Before you think he should be lower, look at that coat.

You get it.

21. Rage Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 50

The most boring of the Dark Dragons, his ability is kind of interesting but compared to the rest of his siblings, he is the least necessary and most boring.

20. Haze Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 51

Sometimes you solve power creep by bringing everyone else down, but I like it as a subversion of the series usual “everybody gets just JUST stronger enough” arc.

19. Oceanus Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 51

Her storyline makes absolutely the least sense of any of the dragons and she seems to exist mostly to be a punchline, but between her powerset and her ability to disguise herself.

18. Naturon Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 52

A surprisingly strong entry in the list with a power that perfectly and flawlessly scales up to whatever he needs it to be, and the personality of an immoral tactician willing to use any tactic to win.

17. Eis Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 56

I have chosen the least dignified picture possible, as I hate this jerk. But that’s to his credit: he’s a good villain even if he’s one-note. A cheater, a coward, and a sadist. Even among the Shadow Dragons, this guy’s a real piece of work but I have to give him credit: it makes him one of the more interesting villains in his saga and having him be the dark side of the Nuova coin.

16. Nuova Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 54

The Shadow Dragon Saga got a lot wrong and a little bit right, and this guy is one of the larger fragments of the stuff that works. The 4-Star Ball becoming a more noble fighter is a fun wrinkle to the plot, and Goku could always use another rival that hews a little too close to the dark side.

15. Hell Fighter #17
Dragon Ball GT Episode 42

Barring the fact that he’s one of the more canonically impossible characters to make happen (Lord Xeno erasing his timeline will do that), I think bringing back the evil Androids from the dystopian Trunks future could absolutely work wonders.

14. Dore
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge (1991)

2/3s of Cooler’s Armored Squad are interesting, dynamic henchmen, and then there’s this guy. Wouldn’t be anywhere near this high if he weren’t riding on the coattails of his buddies.

13. Naiz
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge (1991)

His name is a pun on mayonnaise, it took me so long to realize that. He’s got freaky powers, a creepy voice, but his overall design is a little meh. He’s still got a lot going on, he fits in well with the group, but it feels like they could have made him look like anything else.

12. Salza
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge (1991)

Salza’s actually one of the coolest members of the “movie squads,” and I think he’s got a bit of a look, of a bit of a personality, and his hand-sword sounds like a light-saber. The other two get this high because they’re part of the group, but this guy carries the group.

11. Super Android #17
Dragon Ball GT: Episode 42

Dragon Ball has never been known to be particularly edgy, except when people are trying way too hard and put weird crossfit word salad on imagery of Majin Vegeta, but this guy feels like he’s trying to make up for lost time. Alternating between stoic and manic? Check. Overdesigned uniform/armor with useless bits and bobs? Check. “Unstable sadist” attitude? Check. Constant adjusting and fidgeting with his “screw you, DAD!” long hair? Check.

His storyline makes no sense and requires far too many leaps in logic, and while there’s something I absolutely love about his tryhard aesthetic, but it can’t overcome a mediocre, nonsensical storyline…but that’s not what this list is about, baby, the idea of a hellbound, evil future #17 showing up to wreak havoc is amazing, and this list is all about how these characters COULD fit into continuity, not how their stories could. On-paper: there’s nothing wrong with this character that a better script couldn’t fix.

10. Robleu
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

An expert in espionage with a unique weapon and a constant path to becoming stronger through transformations, I think this demon could carry her own arc, either leading to a bigger bad, or even as a stand-alone.

9. Syn Shenron
Dragon Ball GT Episode 57

The hilarious thing about Dragon Ball in its totality is: it’s clear that Akira Toyriyama knew what a crutch the titular balls could eventually become, so he placed some limits on them…only to later erase those in the name of plot convenience, thus making “stakes” something the franchise often struggles with. A villain based entirely around how overused the deus ex machina of the series is beyond a smart move: it’s genius enough to trick people into thinking GT is a good series overall! But it’s not. It’s good ideas. Ideas that deserve another shot with a bigger budget and more focused writing.


8. Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (2015)

A semi-competent, actually-powerful Kai? In THIS Dragon Ball universe?! It’s more likely than you think! Or at least it will be, if I get my way. She’s got an incredible look, an endearing personality, and an incredibly bombastic moveset, she’s a total package.

7. Crimson
Dragon Ball Heroes (2010)

Remember what I said about Super #17 representing the full edge lordiness of the franchise in a post-Majin Vegeta world? Yeah, that was before we met a black-dressed edge-emperor named…Black. That’s how edgy he is. In fact he’s so edgy that the only way to make him edgier was to rename him “Crimson.” And make him power up by killing Gokus from across time and space.
He’s the ultimate edge, and he should be brought in to the proper fold, and no, that has NOTHING to do with Super Saiyan 3 being my favorite! Nothing whatsoever, this is an objective list based on science!

6. Cooler
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge

Is he just Freiza with a new coat of paint? No, that’s Golden Freiza. This guy has a whole new form, and it’s frankly one of the coolest the whole franchise has ever given us. And bringing him in would also canonize the 5th form/4th transformation, and to be blunt: I like the design better than Freiza’s black form.

5. Black Smoke Shenron
Dragon Ball GT: Episode 47

While I like the Dark Dragons’ designs overall, I think unshackling this brilliant idea of a villain from them is the smarter move than trying to bring them all in wholecloth.

4. Android #21
Dragon Ball FighterZ (2018)

Contrary to some people who either ignored or just flat-out forgot about how it worked in FighterZ, Android #21 was NOT confirmed canon in the Dragon Ball Super Super Heroes movie, her ‘creator’/main aspect was. So while the “labcoat” version of this character IS canon, the “fused with Majin power” version isn’t, and I think that’s a damn shame. Toriyama’s world rarely has room for women being front-and-center in his stories owing to its adherent to traditional beliefs in gender roles, and while it’s a bit eye-rolling that Dr. Gero gets to look like a hostile, scheming, evil old man, and his wife has to look hot, 40 years younger than him, and absolutely rock a tube top, I think taking that idea and allowing the character to become powerful, hostile, and voracious helps to subvert it. And just good LORD, what an amazingly designed character, balancing badassery, sex-appeal, and even a little bit of goofiness with her food obsession, something right at home in Toriyama’s more modern world.

3. Mugley

Dragon Ball GT: Episode 41

Laugh all you like, this guy’s got one more legitimate win over Goku than 90% of his other rivals and opponents. This kid, Jackie Chun, Tien, and now Vegeta all show up at the same bar once a year and close the place down.

2. Towa
Dragon Ball Xenoverse (2010)

I think Towa’s the best thing that’s come out of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games’ fanfic-like plot and characters. A brilliant demonic scientist trying to use the energy from changing history and creating timelines to … I dunno, build a boyfriend and break the seal on the Demon Realm, bringing her brother (Dabura, the disco king of the Demon Realm) back from the dead or avenge him? You know what: her motivations aren’t actually all that important, which is good because they’re also nonsensical. What’s important is that she has a bizarre plot that reaches far beyond “get stronger, destroy stuff” which plagued a lot of Dragon Ball’s villains in the wake of Freiza.

1. Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
Dragon Ball GT: Episode 60

Gogeta was only recently canonized, but this form of him remains elusively out of reach, particularly his more mischievous, playful personality. While something of a pain in the ass in the moment he appears, I like that calling on this more easily accessible form comes with the drawback of him possibly losing interest in defeating his opponent. To say nothing of how it’s a way to rather mischievously sneak Super Saiyan 4 onto this list.

0. Super Saiyan 4
Dragon Ball GT: Episode 19

Or I could just throw it in as a super sneaky bonus entry! Because every rule has its exceptions, and I think Super Saiyan 4 is good enough, in concept, to be on here twice. I’d love to see it done with modern animation and more thoughtful writing.


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