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Final Fantasy 16 Graphics or Performance: Which is Better?

Graphics or performance mode is a big question in all modern releases, including Final Fantasy 16. As consoles have become beefier with more recent generations, graphical quality has made several leaps and bounds in gaming. This is especially apparent in the era of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. With the introduction of 4K displays, console players are left with an important choice when playing games like Final Fantasy XVI.

Graphics options on consoles are a relatively new concept for the hardware. This is largely due to this current generation being released in a transition period for displays. 1080p is practically the standard, but some players are utilizing 1440p or even 4K displays. While the higher resolutions produce a better picture, it usually comes at the cost of a reduced framerate as the current generation of consoles isn’t quite there for delivering 4K with high frame rates.

Graphics Or Performance Mode – Final Fantasy 16

Those looking for the highest fidelity and have a 4K display can opt for Graphics Mode. This will deliver the best-looking visuals while keeping the framerate locked at 30FPS. 

Performance Mode will do the opposite effect, in a manner of speaking. It will allow the game to run at a solid 60FPS, but only in resolutions up to 1440p. This reduction will tone down the heinous motion blur present in Graphics Mode.

When it comes to which mode players should choose, the biggest determining factor is if you’re utilizing a 4K display or not. If you have a 4K display and want to watch Eikons duking it out in all their glory with the understanding that it will be capped at 30FPS, then Graphics Mode is for you. Conversely, if you don’t have a 4K display, then Graphics Mode is a moot point. You’ll get the best picture possible with a much higher frame rate.

With the decision to use Graphics or Performance Mode in Final Fantasy 16 out of the way, players are free to explore the vast world of Valisthea with Clive and his entourage of rebel-rousing misfits. The most notable of these is the legendary good boy himself, Torgal. While deciding which graphics mode to choose is important, knowing if you can pet the dog is paramount to any game.

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