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“Not Enough Podcasts” and 0 Other Lessons the Democrats Learned From the Election

In the weeks since the election, the Democrats have been scrambling to figure out just what went wrong. How did they, a party that supports a genocide, is tone deaf to the needs of the working class and is completely inept at their job, lose to a party who has all the same faults with the addition of thinking Hitler made some good points? Like any good political party who has the best interests of the people at their heart, they’ve spent every day since their loss looking inwards and deducing what led to their failure. And like any good political party who knows what they’re doing, they figured it out pretty quickly and are now taking everything they learned to prepare to change their party and country for the better. So here’s all the lessons that the Democrats learned from the election.

Not Enough Podcasts

This is the big one. If only the Dems had more podcasts, then they would have won and the United States would not be close to heading down the path of every other fallen empire throughout history. Podcasts are the key. There just isn’t enough of them, we need more. If there were just a few more podcasts with left-leaning hosts then all this could have been avoided. Trans people wouldn’t be fearing for their lives as what little rights they had are about to be stripped faster than Princess Rosalina in my dreams if only we had a few more white dudes with microphones discussing random topics for two hours. Supporting genocide is okay as long as you have a lot of podcasts to tell you how progressive it is and how it’s only slightly worse than what the other genocidal party will do. Inflation? Housing? Taxes? Climate change? None of that matters if you have podcasts. If only there were more podcasts, the Dems would have won.

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